3 utenti
Holy Bible verses hasard
Displays a random Bible verse. Just click on the button and you will have a new Bible verse. God bless you !
3 utenti
Watch memes on the go, while surfing web.
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MB - File size Checker
Adds Section to the Context menu that displays size of targeted file
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3 utenti
Eazy-Chat 直连版·Chat-GPT聊天机器人
Eazy-Chat 直连版GPT聊天机器人,是一款基于的GPT算法开发的聊天机器人,具备较高的智能度和语言理解能力,可以进行智能问答、闲聊、教育咨询等多种交互,为用户提供更加便利和快捷的服务。系统聊天记录不会被上传到第三方服务器,用户的隐私得到了更好的保护。
3 utenti
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3 utenti
Goodly Search
New Google search page design. Adds some visual effects and tools.
3 utenti
Unifsearch - The Best New Tab
Finally, every search at one place. Seamlessly search through Google, Bing, DDG, and even other engines - like Wikipedia and YouTube. PubChem, anyone?
2 utenti
SearXNG (search.im-in.space)
Add SearXNG (search.im-in.space instance) to your Firefox search engine list.
2 utenti
Extensão do site Arquivo.pt
2 utenti
Relógio HD
Uma nova página de guia em formato de relógio com horário e data.
2 utenti
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Youtube thumbnail downloader
This extension extract YT thumbnail and open in new tab
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InstaDP - Fast, Secure, Anonymous
Free, secure, and anonymous DP Instagram data viewer.
2 utenti
Intellens - Search Products by Image on AliExpress
Find your favorite products effortlessly with AI-powered image search. Supports AliExpress, Amazon, and more.
2 utenti
SuperEmotes lets you upload and add public emotes to your personal emote inventory (we call theme "slots") that people can now use on your channel live chat and comments. We also let you see video tags and use themes for live chat.
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Find Anything
AI generated images next to your search results
2 utenti
ICW Push
An Extenstion For ImgCatWeb that allows you to push images to the server's queue from the browser
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