Alby - Bitcoin Lightning Wallet & Nostr
Your Bitcoin Lightning wallet and companion for accessing Bitcoin and Nostr apps, payments across the globe and passwordless logins.
2.391 utenti
SecureSafe Password Manager
Use the SecureSafe password manager to keep track of your ever-growing list of passwords.
1.510 utenti
pCloud Pass - Password manager
Easily log in to websites, autofill online forms and use suggested passwords without leaving your browser.
1.178 utenti
Show me the passsword!
Tired of not knowing if you wrote well your password? Tired to re-write all the password? Yes, me too...
1.090 utenti
Strongbox AutoFill
Strongbox AutoFill is an Add-on to allow Strongbox users to fill in usernames, passwords and other credentials seamlessly in your browser.
1.001 utenti
Push Security
Keep your users secure.
856 utenti
heylogin – Password Manager
Login to any website with just one click. Use your phone to securely confirm your logins - you have full control.
838 utenti
Password Boss
Remember every password and and login to websites automatically.
771 utenti
Nostr Signer Extension (for Firefox)
733 utenti
S-Trust Passwort-Manager
Mit der Browser Erweiterung können Sie noch bequemer und schneller gespeicherte Kennwörter für Webseiten in dem Passwort-Manager suchen und anschließend aus S-Trust abrufen lassen, um sich automatisch anzumelden.
650 utenti
Improve your experience using UpSignOn with autocompletion.
484 utenti
WebRTC Protect - Protect IP Leak
Hides your private and public IP addresses by configuring how WebRTC's network traffic is routed.
452 utenti
Avast Password Manager
Easily secure all your passwords, credit cards, addresses, and sensitive information across the web and on any device.
430 utenti
Steganos Password Manager
Estensione di Steganos Password Manager. Salva e inserisce le tue password automaticamente.
318 utenti
Burp Proxy
Vigrahak Burp Proxy is a BurpSuite Proxy extension designed for ethical hackers, bug hunters, and penetration testers. It offers robust interception and analysis capabilities, seamlessly integrated into your workflow.
277 utenti
KeyGuard - Password Manager
KeyGuard is a fast, secure, and easy-to-use password manager that simplifies managing and protecting your online accounts.
269 utenti
Stardust Cookie Cutter
No more cookie consent pop-ups and all data privacy included. Also available on iPhones (iOS 15+) and other major browsers.
267 utenti
PassBrow: Password del Browser/Blocco del Sito
Proteggi il tuo browser con una password sincronizzata su qualsiasi browser utilizzando lo stesso account e mantieni bloccato qualsiasi sito che desideri.
252 utenti
PasswordMaker Pro
Flexible password generator using a cryptographic hash algorithm of your choice - Fully Compatible with
227 utenti
KeeWeb Connect
Password autofill for KeeWeb
227 utenti
DualSafe Password Manager - Caveau Digitale
L'estensione DualSafe Password Manager gestisce password in modo sicuro, le auto salva, compila e puoi accedervi sempre.
226 utenti
Companion browser extension app for mSecure, providing automated help for online account management.
211 utenti
186 utenti
SFR Cybersécurité - Password
Créez, stockez et saisissez automatiquement vos mots de passe ainsi que vos identifiants de connexion sur tous vos sites et applications.
174 utenti
This browser extension helps you fill logins and credit cards using information stored in Secrets running locally on your Mac or remotely on your iOS device.
143 utenti