Wordtune: AI Writing, Paraphrasing & Grammar Tool
With Wordtune, your AI writing companion, you can easily paraphrase, rewrite, correct grammar and more — all for free. In just a few clicks, you can turn your scattered thoughts into exactly what you want to say and streamline your writing process.
805 utenti
IP Whois
View info about IP, DNS records, SSL, country flag, domain whois, location, stats and more of any website.
772 utenti
Notefox: websites notes
Prendi appunti su ogni sito web in modo intelligenze, elegante e semplice!
734 utenti
Adds voice recording and spoken answers to ChatGPT UI.
726 utenti
Diccionario RAE en bocadillo
Diccionario de la lengua española (DLE) en bocadillo, cuadro de búsqueda y ventana emergente. Acceda a la definición actualizada RAE-ASALE de una palabra con un simple doble clic o por menú contextual. Y sin salir de la página que visita o de un pdf
658 utenti
Break Down the Walls
Break Down the Walls is an extension to help you access information more easily. If you use Sci-hub and Library Genesis a lot, you will love it.
647 utenti
SciHub Addon
【SciHub Addon】超级好用的学术科研插件,全方位提高科研工作者的科研效率,支持显示详细文章信息、期刊等级信息、网页翻译功能、文章引用功能等。
619 utenti
Study Tools voor Magister
Study Tools brengt veel verbeteringen aan op Magister, Nederlands grootste elektronische leeromgeving. Kies aangepaste thema's, omzeil vervelende user interfaces en bereken gemakkelijk je cijfers.
566 utenti
Citace PRO
Slouží pro vytvoření a uložení citace. Po kliknutí na tlačítko v liště se zobrazí citace webové stránky otevřené v tabu a všech zdrojů obsažených v dané stránce. Citaci lze zkopírovat nebo uložit jako záznam do Citace PRO.
504 utenti
Web for Messages plus Duo
Access to Chat - Android Messages on Desktop Computer. Android Messages for Web. Send SMS, view contacts. RCS.
496 utenti
五彩 - 网页划线高亮批注笔记工具
可在任意网页划线、高亮、标注、写想法,还能保存图片。支持在不同浏览器和终端保持数据同步。丰富的划线颜色支持,还能导出数据到Obsidian、Logseq 和 Workflowy。
488 utenti
Panel for Google™ Scholar
Easy access to Google Scholar right from Firefox's toolbar.
474 utenti
ScTranslator - Translator, Page Translator, Dictio
Translate selected text with multiple sources, Webpage translating that have 3 display modes... An all-in-one translation extension.
439 utenti
Automatically or manually send pages to your ArchiveBox for archival.
426 utenti
Quick and easy tool to rapidly search for homework questions, definitions and quiz answers.
411 utenti
Chat and Meet for Google
Google Chat and Google Meet for Microsoft Edge. Notifications, messages, emojis, video-calls. Google Hangouts. Gmail Chat.
354 utenti
Tab Refresh
Select a tab to refresh every x minutes (you can set in the preferences, the default is 3 minutes), thus preventing the timeout on the page you are connected to.
344 utenti
Efficiency Split Screen
Split screen to improve search efficiency. Click search link in one window and open it in another.
319 utenti
An add-on to help you work with pomodoro method and discover in break time some great thing like great twitter account or instagram or interesting artist.
314 utenti
ChatGPT Optimizer - Improve AI
Bring the Chat GPT interface and features on a new level!
303 utenti
Darker Jupyter
Dark Mode for Jupyter Notebooks
264 utenti
Lexia Reader
Leggi e impara 2-3 volte più velocemente con: font OpenDyslexic per la dislessia, Line Ruler per una lettura mirata, Screen Shader per l'affaticamento degli occhi.
261 utenti
Old Google
Replaces the current Google logo on google.com and the search page to use the old 2010 – 2013 logo.
243 utenti
Sci-Hub in Google Scholar
Appends a Sci-Hub direct link into Google Scholar results. You will see a "[sci-hub]" tag on the right side of your search.
230 utenti
Mapify - AI Mind Map and Summary
Summarize anything to mindmap with AI
213 utenti