Search Engine 2.0 | Display ChatGPT with AI Images
Display AI-generated responses with Google search results and generate your AI-generated images on Google Images. Setup Tutorial :
126 utenti
SciHub Downloader
Download Papers from SciHub using DOI.
125 utenti
SearchShot - Full Webpage Screenshot
Effortlessly take full webpage screenshot of any website! Plus search for information on our optimized Google search engine!
121 utenti
119 utenti
Ricerca per immagine su Amazon
Fare clic con il tasto destro su una foto su qualsiasi sito web e troverai quell'oggetto su Amazon.
117 utenti
IDriss drastically simplifies the way you send or receive crypto. IDriss is an open source extension that lets you use your email, phone number or @Twitter names instead of the long and user-unfriendly wallet addresses.
117 utenti
StatsCrop - Site Ranking & Traffic Analysis
Check the ranking and traffic of any website.
116 utenti
Brave Search and Keyword
Adds Brave Search and new search keywords: @brave, @b, !brave, !b to Firefox. My apologies to those that installed the Add-on on Android. I couldn't make it work there due to Firefox's restrictions on the platform. Sorry. 😅
115 utenti
Mashiro for Firefox
Enable Popular Mode on Pixiv
115 utenti
Phind Search Engine
Adds as search engine.
112 utenti
WhatsApp Direct Message
Send Direct Messages in WhatsApp without having the number in the contacts!
111 utenti
Selection Highlighter
Highlight occurrences of selected text, with or without a keypress.
111 utenti
Glorifind - Christian Search Engine
Search with faith with Glorifind, the search engine for Christians. This extension sets your URL bar to search with Glorifind.
109 utenti
Straight to the web
Simplify the way Google shows you results, without the chaos.
109 utenti
ArchLinux manual pages Search
Adds ArchLinux manual pages as a search engine.
108 utenti
Discogs Better Price Sorter
Sorts the Prices on by TOTAL price (including shipping). It highlights the new price list in blue, and puts the cheapest items at the top of the list. Items not purchasable in your country are shoved to the bottom. Just click the icon!
108 utenti
YouTube to audio stream and download
Stream or download YouTube videos in audio format with ease.
107 utenti
Published Date
This Add-on tries to find out when exactly a website or an article on a website was published and last edited.
107 utenti
Felo - Your Free AI Search Assistant
AI Search the world in your own language and enhance your social networking content search, all for free.
106 utenti
Logseq Copilot
Logseq Copilot, Connect with you logseq API server, bring your information when you browsing.
105 utenti
Quality of RWTH
Makes RWTH websites more enjoyable
104 utenti
Яндекс Поиск Неофициальное Дополнение
Добавляет поиск Yandex в браузер.
104 utenti
We all know that you can't do good work without first having good tools - now with SelectionSK you can assemble the best tools for helping you browse the Web, and they'll even appear right when you need them without any extra clicks!
103 utenti
Controllo antiplagio
Plagiarisma è il correttore di plagio famoso in tutto il mondo per studiosi, studenti, insegnanti, scrittori. Ottieni subito un rapporto gratuito con percentuale!
101 utenti
An add-on for OSINT investigations
101 utenti