Smart Containers
Automatically organize your tabs into isolated containers based on their domain for enhanced privacy and seamless browsing.
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Rilevamento Phishing - Italian Phishing Detection
Fornisce una protezione dalle minacce di phishing sfruttando un modello di machine learning dedicato bloccando anche gli script. ** Provides protection against phishing threats leveraging a dedicated machine learning model while also blocking script.
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A simple to-do list extension"EasyDo" is a sleek and nimble extension tailored for efficient task management. Its intuitive interface facilitates the creation of to-do lists with checkboxes for streamlined task monitoring. Completed tasks are
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Enable you to download Garmin ConnectIQ apps binaries.
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A-Pass Browsercompanion
Enables A-Pass to send Url, User & Password to browser; and auto prefills user & password form fields to auto-login.
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Overture - new tab page.
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Jasjoo New Tab Launcher
This extension helps you find your needed tools faster and more secure with Jasjoo.
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DeepBlur - Simple Image Blurring
Blurs out images on a webpage so researchers can focus on content and navigation.
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SearXNG - Search Engine (BR)
Adds SearXNG as the default search engine in your browser. Secure your queries with instant access to SearX metasearch engine. Uses an brazilian instance.
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USB Storage - Password Manager
Password manager using a USB Storage Medium.
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Browser extension to add a more secure input of the pin in
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Encrypted Calculator
A calculator extension with scientific functionality that uses encryption (AES) to quickly produce results in the browser.
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I know what I'm doing
Allows webpages to request permission for cross-site connections (disable CORS). - CORS is disabled per-domain - user is prompted when a website requests this and can choose to allow or deny it - extension mimics Firefox look to feel native
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Change the default search engine to the MingsUtilities Searx instance.
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password generator
This extension generate a random password with customization options, such as lengh, possibility to include special characters and numbers. This extension is meant to generate password effortlessly whenever needed by the user.
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NCB Paste Anti-Block
Paste your password on the NCB Personal Banking login page without hassle.
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Hypertext HTML Blocker
This extension blocks all webpages, allowing Firefox to realise its true potential as a PDF viewer.
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Random Password Generator
The purpose of a random password generator is to create a password that is difficult for hackers to guess or crack using brute force methods. Strong and complex passwords are essential for online security, especially when iGenerate a random password.
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Terter: Replace webpages on URLs
Replace the HTML that loads on websites! When a website loads, it will replace the page with whatever you want.
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This extension make Resulti as the default search engine.
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