6 utenti
Critique: AI Browser Copilot
Chat with your web pages, get automatic tooltips on unverified information, get research insights on articles. Right-click any web content and get AI researched responses about it.
6 utenti
VK Messages Counter
Показывает счетчик непрочитанных сообщений ВК на иконке расширения.
6 utenti
Moderate your Twitter Feed
6 utenti
Real-time cursor interaction for a more connected browsing experience.
6 utenti
Emoji Copy and Paste
Click on any emoji to copy it instantly. Now paste it anywhere.
6 utenti
OpenCheck for Twitter
Displays OpenCheck identity verification on profiles and timelines on twitter.com
5 utenti
nothx - Better Twitter/X
This extension allows you to hide unwanted tweets and comments including but not limited to OnlyFans/Sexual content and content unrelated to original post. Get better and cleaner Twitter/X browsing experience.
5 utenti
Mastodon Alt-text Display
Show alt-text in a selectable box when viewing media on Mastodon web client.
5 utenti
ShkoloTweaks (BETA)
Customize your Shkolo experience with ShkoloTweaks! Dark mode, Custom widgets, Cool Stats, and more!
5 utenti
Fullwidth messaging for Linkedin
Elevate your Linkedin messages productivity, having a wider interface ✨
5 utenti
2ch Captcha Service
Helps with solving captcha on dvach
5 utenti
Effortlessly sync your Animevost.org progress with Shikimori.one using Shikivost. No more manual updates – just install, connect, and enjoy uninterrupted anime watching!
5 utenti
Character / Emoji Finder
Easily search for unicode characters and emojis. Handy browser extension to copy and paste the characters that you need.
5 utenti
5 utenti
URL Shortener by Exilink
Shorten long links with Exilink 1-Click URL Shortener.
5 utenti
Netflix Clean Interface
Netflix Clean Interface Netflix clean interface: It offers a clean interface. * Keep watching closes its episode. * Closes large banners.
5 utenti
"Cut & Share"-Button from Snipedy
Cut & Share a Snip directly on the web.
5 utenti
Discord Radio
Creates a Discord Rich Presence based on the YouTube video that has been selected.
5 utenti
Open source extension that redirects YouTube videos/images to Invidious without sending a bit to YouTube/Google.
5 utenti
Whoogle Search
Cambiar el motor de búsqueda predeterminado a Whoogle
5 utenti
Vista Social
Vista Social lets you schedule and publish content to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Business, Instagram, Pinterest, Reddit, TikTok and Youtube from any website.
5 utenti
Enlarge Tumblr Header Icons
Makes Tumblr Header icons bigger on the Tumblr Dashboard
5 utenti
Customizations for the Mastodon advanced interface
5 utenti
Spotify Shuffler
Sick of Spotify's boring shuffle? Shake up your playlists with our permanent shuffle and keep the tunes fresh every time!
5 utenti