Buff Currency Converter
Currency converter for the CS2/CSGO skin marketplace Buff163
321 utenti
Relingo - Master words from any webpage
Reading based on interest and mastering vocabulary unconsciously
309 utenti
ChatGPT Optimizer - Improve AI
Bring the Chat GPT interface and features on a new level!
308 utenti
Cancellazione automatica della cronologia
Elimina automaticamente la cronologia di navigazione dei siti registrati
297 utenti
Localize 101weiqi.com pages to English. This translates the most important terms on the website, so that you can focus on your tsumego skills instead of having to figure out where to click.
292 utenti
中文 Figma 插件,设计师人工翻译校验。 👁 设计师人工翻译校验 📌 原有功能不受影响 🌍 翻译贡献者: Yancy Min 普鲁文 Pluwen 诺墨 Normalcoder ❤️ 赞助我们:Love.Figma.Cool Made by Figma.Cool
282 utenti
Time Zone Converter - Savvy Time
Time zone and local time converter. Compare and convert time between many locations at a time.
278 utenti
Lexia Reader
Leggi e impara 2-3 volte più velocemente con: font OpenDyslexic per la dislessia, Line Ruler per una lettura mirata, Screen Shader per l'affaticamento degli occhi.
266 utenti
Browser extension to translate selected text with Google Translate
262 utenti
Translate Menu
Adds Translate to the context menu. Open Google Translate in a new tab and translate the page or selection text into your browser preferred language.
254 utenti
G-Translate on Right Click
Adds Translate with Google Translate to Right Click context menu options, which runs the highlighted text on a new Google Translate page.
254 utenti
دولانگه، دولینگو را فارسی میکند و به فارسیزبانان اجازه میدهد در دولینگو انگلیسی یاد بگیرند. Makes Duolingo Persian and lets Persian speaking people to learn English via Duoligo.
226 utenti
Search from Popup or ContextMenu
Fork of "Swift Selection Search". * Search by multiple search engines(GET or POST Method) at once * support folder management * support charset (UTF-8, RAW, Shift_JIS, EUC-JP, ISO-2022-JP, windows-1251, windows-1252(ISO-8859-1), Big5, GB18030).
212 utenti
English to Chinese Translator
This add-on helps you translate word on web page from English to Chinese. Please make sure that you can access Google search. Once installed, if you highlight some words you will see a "Translate" button. Click the button to translate.
209 utenti
Phind.com Search Engine
Sets Firefox's default search engine to Phind.com
207 utenti
Learn languages by watching films and series. Customizable subtitles and a popup dictionary to master your vocabulary while watching YouTube or Netflix. Open-source and free.
196 utenti
Big Search
Handily use / switch search engines via a Flexible Tool. With some special technical features also. Definitly more than a GET/POST sender. Source code on Github. Vast search, search great! Breadth 🗺️ & Focus 👨💻
184 utenti
医学文献サイトである PubMed に日本語表示を追加し、全ての日本人医師や研究者が英語論文にアクセスしやすくなるようお手伝いします。 文献掲載誌のインパクトファクターの表示もできますので、重要な論文を効率よく見つけることができます。
166 utenti
一字幕 - 视频字幕插件 | 电影字幕 | 免费
一款免费的支持双语的音频、视频字幕的辅助插件。可按单词,短语,整句翻译;支持(YouTube,Bilibili 等视频平台);亦可支持本地外挂字幕和内嵌字幕。可变速、重复播放、跟读、画面遮挡。
163 utenti
Pinyin It
Add pinyin to Chinese characters. 给网页添加拼音.
162 utenti
Translight - Translation Over The Web
Brings Google Translate in the form of fast and small extension.
151 utenti
150 utenti
Typeright: Grammar & Spelling Checker
Controlla i tuoi testi per errori di grammatica, ortografia e punteggiatura.
149 utenti
Word Replacer Max
Seamlessly replace text on any web page.
134 utenti
Search Engine 2.0 | Display ChatGPT with AI Images
Display AI-generated responses with Google search results and generate your AI-generated images on Google Images. Setup Tutorial : https://youtu.be/YfShjjcQFHQ
133 utenti