TranslitKeyboard - Ukrainian
Українська на латинській (німецькій, англійській та інших) клавіатурах. Ukrainian on latin (german, english and other) keyboards. Ukrainisch auf der lateinischen (deutschen, englischen und anderen) Tastaturen.
12 utenti
12 utenti
Automatically generate Anki flashcards with pronunciation guide and mnemonic for language learning.
12 utenti
DnD Beyond Kit
Translate, add common metrics, and add new features to your D&D Beyond pages.
11 utenti
ChatGPT - Right click -150 tasks!
Quick access to ChatGPT, 150 ways to handle tasks, select content and right click, you can use ChatGPT everywhere
11 utenti
Translatify: Spotify Lyrics Translation
Customizable Spotify lyrics translation of your favorite songs.
10 utenti
Currency Converter
Currency Converter allows you to convert one currency into another in order to check its corresponding value. We'are accepting almost all currencies for conversion.
10 utenti
Sinabro Small Dictionary
Unofficial Dictionary Add-On based on Daum Dictionary and kakao i translate service
10 utenti
azVocab Dictionary
The azVocab web extension is a powerful tool designed to allow users to lookup the meaning of an English word and add this word to their workbook.
10 utenti
Translate Hattrick forums and speak any language easily
10 utenti
Corrector ortográfico de Aranés
Aranese (Occitan) spell checker - Diccionari ortogràfic d'Aranés - Corrector ortográfico de Aranés
10 utenti
つながる英単語 Picker
マウスを当てるだけ。英単語を瞬間検索! 「つながる英単語Picker」はブラウザで利用いただける辞書ツールです。 ウェブサイトの文章はもちろん、YouTubeの字幕にも対応します。 調べたい英語にマウスを当てるだけで、単語の意味を瞬時に検索します。 【つながる英単語 picker では以下のことが可能です】 ・ウェブサイト上の単語や熟語の意味が調べられる ・YouTube の字幕にも対応! ・復習したい単語は保存ができる ・好きな辞書データをインポート可能
10 utenti
Open-GPT 开放版·GPT聊天机器人
Open-GPT 开放版·直连GPT聊天机器人,是一款基于的GPT算法开发的聊天机器人,具备较高的智能度和语言理解能力,可以进行智能问答、闲聊、教育咨询等多种交互,为用户提供更加便利和快捷的服务。系统聊天记录不会被上传到第三方服务器,用户的隐私得到了更好的保护。
9 utenti
Force English Content
Forces localised web pages with poor or outdated translations to redirect to the original English content. Handles the following websites:,,,
9 utenti
& Chinese-English Dictionary
A simple Chinese-English dictionary with definition pop-up on mouse over text feature
8 utenti
Google Translate in Sidebar
Google Translate in Sidebar
8 utenti
Unofficial '体繁体拼音广东话转换' port
Convert simplified to normal Chinese, or vice-versa! Convert Automatically between different types of Chinese (Pinyin, Cantonese GB2312 and BIG5). Unofficial port based on "簡體繁體拼音廣東話轉換 Simplified/Traditional Chinese" from Chrome
8 utenti
Lingua Libre SignIt
SignIt translate words in Sign Language videos.
8 utenti
7 utenti
Adicione atalhos simples para o direto do seu navegador.
7 utenti
SmartEReply: AI-powered assistant for quick replies and content creation across social media, messaging, email, and web pages. Boost productivity, enhance communication, and engage faster with one-click replies.
7 utenti
MarkPal Sidebar Markdown Editor, Todo list, Notes
Minimalist Markdown Editor to boost your productivity on daily browsing.
7 utenti
Cambridge Dictionary
An easy-to-use add-on to look up English definitions and translations in Cambridge Dictionary.
7 utenti
Acronymify recognize all your acronyms on the web. Define your acronyms and their definitions, select a word on any web page, open the extension, and here you go!
7 utenti
7 utenti