Turn Off the Lights
L'intera pagina sarà sbiadisc scuro, così puoi guardare il video come se foste al cinema. Funziona con tutti i siti di video più conosciuti come YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, twitch.tv, Hulu, Metacafe, Youku, ecc.
47.082 utenti
Zoom Page WE
Zoom web pages (either per-site or per-tab) using full-page zoom, text-only zoom and minimum font size. Fit-to-width zooming can be applied to pages automatically. Fit-to-window scaling can be applied to small images.
25.630 utenti
Zoom Extension
Recommended, support FireFox 45+. The Zoom Firefox Extension allows participants to schedule Zoom cloud meetings directly from Google Calendar. you can start an instant meeting or schedule a future meeting via a button.
243.104 utenti
Zoom Image
As though the mouse wheel rotate by the right click on the images, you can do the images extenting / reducing / rotating and so on. It can be expanded regardless of design. Also you can drag zoomed images.
13.119 utenti
Hover Zoom+
Passa il mouse sulle immagini per ingrandirle. Supporta molti siti, come Reddit, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, ecc
8.995 utenti
Full Screen for Firefox
Go full screen with one click on the full screen button. That includes also the full screen movies such as YouTube, Vimeo, etc.
6.354 utenti
Fixed Zoom
Extension that sets a custom default zoom for all pages in Firefox. You can set a general zoom for all pages or custom rules depending on the site.
5.963 utenti
Zoom for Firefox
Zoom in or out on web content using the zoom button and mouse scroll wheel for more comfortable reading. That to each percent value. It helps you to zoom easily in and out a web page. Thanks to the slider and the zoom buttons.
5.711 utenti
Zoom Recording Downloader
Download zoom recordings from your browser
3.285 utenti
Imagus mod
With a simple mouse-over you can enlarge and display images/videos from links. Now with optional permissions, more features.
2.999 utenti
AI Subtitles & Immersive Translate - Trancy
Trancy provides bilingual subtitle for platforms like YouTube, Netflix, Disney+... as well as AI translator for websites.
2.827 utenti
Multi-touch Zoom
Not needed in latest FF Adds missing feature of Firefox: Smooth zooming with the pinch gesture on a trackpad Non-multi-touch users can still smooth zoom by scrolling and holding down the SHIFT key Thanks to Marek Polakovic for the gesture icon
2.451 utenti
Trasformatore Video
Ingrandisci, allunga, riposiziona, ruota e capovolgi video e immagini utilizzando i tasti di scelta rapida.
1.624 utenti
Smart Reader - Bionic Reader
Modify a web page to make it more readable by bolding the beginning of a word (like bionic reading).
1.494 utenti
Video screenshot
Fai uno screenshot di un video. Cattura la schermata di qualsiasi elemento <video> riprodotto su YouTube, Twitter o Twitch.
1.180 utenti
OwlZoom for Youtube Videos
Zoom+in Youtube Videos
1.169 utenti
ChatGPT-4 for Google & AI Image Generator
ChatGPT for Google, Bing includes AI Image Generator. Chat with ChatGPT when you search🔍 and Generate AI images.🖼️
1.000 utenti
Helperbird: Accessibility & Productivity App
Your go-to for advanced reading, writing, and accessibility. Our features include voice typing, dyslexia support, an immersive reader, and a reading mode. Tailored to fit diverse abilities and learning styles, making the web accessible for all.
778 utenti
Scroll Zoom
Zoom web pages with the left or right mouse button and the scroll wheel.
722 utenti
Magnifying Glass
Convert your mouse cursor to a high-quality magnifying glass
643 utenti
TubeVPN Youtube Unblocked
TubeVPN Unblocker For Youtube, Youtube Unblocker and Youtube Unblocked
622 utenti
Taskade - AI Agents, Chat Bots, & Task Automation
Supercharge your productivity! Build, train, and deploy AI agents to automate tasks, generate insights, and collaborate in real-time. Transform every new tab into a powerful AI-powered workspace with real-time task lists, tables, mind maps, and more.
620 utenti
Date Today for Firefox
Il miglior orologio visualizza data e ora con un solo sguardo: digitale nella barra degli strumenti e analogico nel menu del browser, offrendo immediata informazione sulla data e l'ora attuali.
585 utenti
Video Roll
Video Roll 是一个帮助你旋转、缩放、移动、调整比例、镜像翻转、截图、调节音调、音量、倍速、专注和滤镜任意网页中HTML5视频的浏览器插件。在大部分网站上都表现出色(Youtube™/Bilibili/Vimeo/TikTok/Twitter 等),支持iframe探测,支持自定义快捷键。我们提供了超棒的记忆功能,帮助你一下次进入网站直接生效。
539 utenti
Rotate that Video Player
Improve your video experience by effortlessly rotating your video clips by 90, 180, or 270 degrees.
488 utenti