Reviews for Feedbro - RSS Feed Reader
Feedbro - RSS Feed Reader by Nodetics
39 reviews
- Rated 3 out of 5by laclac1, 6 years agoVery good but this addon has an important problem for me. The folders aren't visible in the popup. You show a list of latest articles in the popup but everything is mixed and it's not sorting by folders. It's disappointed. I change by 5 stars if the folders are used in the popup. I will use feeder while waiting :(
Developer response
posted 6 years agoIf you prefer the popup view, then there's the "Open Explorer" menu which will show the folder structure. - Rated 3 out of 5by Nibinaear, 6 years agoIt seems to work fine but seems to be missing a vital feature: search engine. I would like to find news articles with various keywords but there is no way to do it.
It seems to do tags, but this just lets you bookmark a news article using a word to go back to later. - Rated 3 out of 5by Firefox user 14534878, 6 years ago
- Rated 3 out of 5by atomizer, 6 years agowhile Feedbro is the best WebExt feed reader i found so far, it hardly compares to NewsFox - it lacks advanced sorting options and a NF-like 3-pane UI. while the developer seems to insist that his way is better, it isnn't, at least not for everyone
another annoyance is that FB doesn't cache the icons for the domains and, instead, queries Google *every* time it is started - why? why not pull the favicon from the root domain when the feed is refreshed and cache them?
it is also annoying that the developer uses a combination control to select feed refresh times with no "never" option - why not just use a simple numeric input control and let users specify the time, or '0' to disable auto-refresh?
i also wonder about the ethics of the Nodetics given they apparently don't publish the source code nor make available a proper issue reporting platform - why not put the code on GitLab? trying to hide something? the developer once told me that the source code is available in the package - of course it is, so why not publish it and why the restrictive license?
i also tried to contact the developer twice with a question about applying custom CSS and never received a reply
let's see if they reply to my nasty-gram...Developer response
posted 6 years agoImproved favicon caching and "disable autoscan" will be available in the next version. - Rated 3 out of 5by Cool Franz, 7 years agoIt looks nice (although definitely leaves room for improvement).
Unfortunately it doesn't sync among different instances. I think this is a major drawback.
Hopefully it will get implemented soon - Rated 3 out of 5by dr_white, 7 years agoEverything Mario77 says is 100% accurate. No idea why the developer would want to make RSS more complex than it needs to be.
- Rated 3 out of 5by Firefox user 11391270, 7 years agoToo little configuration options for the popup.
I want to have the feeds grouped by source in the popup. In subfolders. And I want to display all feeds in the popup. Just like the regular live bookmarks by Mozilla.
Unfortunately, the author did not integrate such basic functionality. I'd really appreciate a more sophisticated and customizable popup. But as is, the original Firefox live bookmarks + LiveClick is still a hundred times more convenient than this addon.
Answer to author response: No, this can still be very good UI design. Have you tried out Firefox live bookmarks + LiveClick? You could click the bookmark popup and saw everything you needed in one single popup. You didn't have to open a new tab just for the feed overview. It was a dream. Unfortunately, Mozilla set everything on fire and LiveClick was one of the victims. Now we are looking for an alternative. But most other addons don't share the simplicity of LiveClick. They all have overloaded designs and you need to open a separate tab just to see an overview of live bookmarks. That's what I call a bad UI design.
Here is an image how you addon could be designed if you were interested in a very good UI: response
posted 7 years agoLiveClick type view is now also available when you click the Feedbro icon and then choose "Open Explorer". It's a very simple view compared to the actual "Open Feed Reader" view but can be useful for quick peeks. - Rated 3 out of 5by Firefox user 12792321, 7 years ago@ Developer(s):"Come possiamo migliorare questo prodotto?"
IT: Un' ottima estensione per FF, quindi un grande elogio agli sviluppatori e 3** di 5! 2 ** Deduzione, poiché l' intero menu è solo in inglese. Multilingue (compreso il tedesco) = 5**
DE/A/CH: Eine sehr gute Erweiterung für FF, daher ein grosses Lob an den bzw. die Entwickler und 3** von 5! 2 ** Abzug, da die gesamte Menüführung lediglich in Englisch ist. Multilingual (inklusive Deutsch) = 5**
UK: A very good extension for FF, therefore a big praise to the developer (s) and 3** of 5! 2 ** Deduction, since the entire menu is only in English. Multilingual (including German) = 5**
ES: Una muy buena extensión para FF, por lo tanto un gran elogio a los desarrolladores y 3** de 5! 2 ** Deducción, ya que todo el menú es sólo en inglés. Multilingüe (incluido el alemán) = 5**
FR: Une très bonne extension pour FF, donc un gros compliment aux développeurs et 3** de 5! 2 ** Déduction, puisque le menu complet n'est qu'en anglais. Multilingue (y compris l'allemand) = 5** - Rated 3 out of 5by Firefox user 11640498, 7 years agoFEEDBRO is a hell of thousand tracking cookies invading privacy. Nowadays this is also a dangerous cybersecurity problem.
I tested FEEDBRO by blocking all cookies in FF. And all my feeds worked perfect at FEEDBRO. No cookies at all.
But the problem is that I need cookies enabled at FF.
So, if FEEDBRO works with cookies blocked, why FEEDBRO doesn't block cookies by it self?
In fact, in the option or settings page, FEEDBRO can block scripts, objects, applet, iframe, embed... but not cookies! Why is that?
FEEDBRO needs a simple option to load articles as text-only, or a simple option for blocking cookies. This will improve resources, and will solve privacy and security risks.
* Cookie add-ons are not working over cookies of other add-ons. Cookie AutoDelete doesn't work on FEEDBRO. I tested other different cookie addon-s and all of them don't recognize FEEDBRO as a "tab" or "window". The best scenario with these cookie add-ons is deleting cookies when FF closes, but dangerous FEEDBRO cookies might live hours and days. UMatrix is the only add-on deleting localstorage before FF closes, but is ridiculous to install 2MiB only because of FEEDBRO.
* I have more than 200 feeds, so is impossible to white-list cookies. Also, FF built-in cookies manager doesn't allow to import/export or synchronized blocked/unblocked cookies. No one is going to expend days doing this inefficient task.
** I am raising my stars qualification considering author' predisposition to: a) Solve problems b) Attend user requests c) Quick answers. Thank you.
** 2MiB is not a matter of size in the HD, but it is a huge matter of browser system resources. And in principle, isn't right to force the use of other add-ons in order to use FEEDBRO.
FEEDBRO perfectly can work without cookies. And not approved cookies are a big privacy and security issue. So, a simple option loading articles as text-only is the perfect solution. Thank you.Developer response
posted 7 years agoWe created an improved Cookie Manager called Cookiebro which can automatically and periodically drop unwanted cookies (also cookies that originate from WebExtension HTTP(S) requests).
It is also possible to integrate cookie filtering to Feedbro but then it will be "all or nothing" without any whitelist/blacklist type functionality. We'll most likely add that possibility + image filtering option in the following releases. - Rated 3 out of 5by John Doe, 7 years agoLooks like a good replacement for Sage, however Id' also suggest a compact, no-frills "two-column, left one split into upper and lower half" layout:
The current "Layout 3" comes closest to this, but it wastes way too much space.
Thanks!Developer response
posted 7 years agoNote that you can hide the feed tree (shortcut 'w' or click the 'three lines' icon in the upper left-hand corner). You can also resize the middle column (article titles). That leaves plenty of space for the article itself. - Rated 3 out of 5by Firefox user 13469213, 7 years agoTrying Feedbro while Brief updates to work on FF57
There's a lot of small issues here and there: lack of support for Live bookmarks (which Firefox has been using for some years now), UI unpredictability and general weirdness (Not only can't I set an exact number of minutes for scan interval, you chose to represent a year as 525600 minutes!), can't drag'n'drop links for fast feed creation, can't select multiple feeds... Mostly minor UI stuff that builds up and makes the add-on annoying to deal with, but It seems likely that they'll get fixed over time.
What really stands out is the rules system. I've got a feed that's always giving me trouble, both here and back on Brief, where marking the "don't mark updated articles as unread" checkbox solved it's hijinks, but since Feedbro lacks that I tried to solve it with rules. The hijinks this time is that every time the scan interval completes, a single, old article reappears as brand new, and my gut feeling was to use the rules to compare if the time at which it was detected was more recent than the earliest article. Sadly, you can't compare articles, nor check any kind of time atribute. So as a emporary measure I've placed a rule to mark all updates from said feed as read, and not notify me of said updates. Bummer.
Then there's another feed that usually posts multiple articles at once, to be read in a particular order. Since notifications are per article, when the update hits I get spammed with notifications, and was about to set a rule to check wetherarticles have been posted within seconds of each other, only to remember I can't check that. Bummer again.
Those are just two specific cases, what Im really trying to get at is that the rules system has the potential to become an incredibly powerful tool.
TL;DR: Feedbro really shows potential to become great, but right now it's just fine and usable. Won't be using it yet, but will definitely come back to check again in a few months to see what's changed.Developer response
posted 7 years agoThank you for your review and observations.
We'll fix the display of the hard to read intervals. It's true that it's difficult to understand what 525600 minutes stands for. :)
We have noticed that a lot of people who used a different reader before have their subscriptions as Live Bookmarks. Unfortunately the Firefox WebExtension implementation does not let you read Live Bookmarks via the API which makes it impossible for the add-on to use or to import them. We are hopeful to see a change in the API but this will most likely take some time. See Bugzilla bug:
Unfortunately there are some feeds that don't follow the rules or behave in somehow peculiar manner. Usually the best option is to notify the feed provider that they should fix the feed rather than trying to fix N different readers to deal with their problems. If e.g. feed posts several articles with the same date stamp and you still want to see notifications, how should the reader behave? Show just the first? Show none? Show all but with larger intervals in between? - Rated 3 out of 5by dyeray, 7 years agoI think it is actually pretty good for being a new reader and being built on the toy APIs of chrome/nufirefox. It is probably the only feed reader compatible with FF57+, and has some smart ideas, like the rule system.
My 2 cents on what to improve next:
* Improve feed compatibility (4 of my feeds that work on newsfox give an error on this one).
* Make pane resize area bigger than 1px, since right now is a PITA to resize any of the areas.
* Feed refresh cannot be disabled and be set to manual. Some users only need to refresh when they are going to read the news, and don't appreciate having stuff running on the background all the time.
* It would be nice to have a traditional 3-pane mode like the one on rssowl or newsfox, specially with the function to autoscroll every time the last item is selected, so the user does not need to move the mouse all the time to select the next item.
* Allow to rebind the hotkeys, or at least allowing to use the keyboard cursors to select the next article.
Hope you find these suggestions useful.Developer response
posted 7 years agoThanks for the feedback.
1. Can you please post the feed URLs that don't work? (or send them to please). In 99,99% of the cases the reason is that the feed is not valid XML or not valid RSS/Atom/RDF or has timezone set so that feed items are in the future.
2. Resizing should be a rare need but we'll see if a wider border looks ok.
3. In Options you can increase the feed scan interval to 1440 minutes (once every 24h). In the next version there's even longer period and option to disable it. Note however, that many feeds hold only the last 10-20 items. So if feeds aren't scanned in the background, you will lose many items completely.
3. "Autoscroll every time the last item is selected"? Can you elaborate? In the feed panel when you press next (either button or keyboard) the view scrolls automatically if next item is not on the screen.
4. You can use keyboard arrow keys to move to the next article if you hold Shift while doing it (Shift + right arrow = next, Shift + left arrow = previous, Shift + down arrow = next feed, Shift + up arrow = previous feed). The reason you cannot do it without Shift is that then you could not scroll the article with arrow keys which is an important feature when reading articles.
Note that you can also use 'p' (previous) and 'n' (next) shortcuts to move between articles. See the Help for all shortcuts available. - Rated 3 out of 5by Firefox user 13234574, 8 years ago