BOJ 대회의 뱃지 및 배경 정보를 알려줍니다!
6 users
Adrian for Instagram — Followers Assistant
I'm Adrian — your IG assistant. See an icon, follow duration & followers info near usernames. Quickly check who follows you back!
6 users
Reddit Mobile Chat Fix
Fixes reddit chat (chat.reddit.com) for mobile devices.
6 users
Ao3 Tweaks
An extension adding various little tweaks to Ao3.
6 users
토마토 예측기
<a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/b15463f8dc4491af094648132346e079066ed28988bcdcf7a6bcbf4b82b2ca9c/http%3A//solved.ac" rel="nofollow">solved.ac</a> 아레나를 위한 퍼포먼스 예측기
6 users
Undistracted YouTube
A browser extension to enhance your YouTube experience by blocking distractions. To support your experience you can earn points and buy items at great discounts from our shop!
6 users
Life in Weeks
Your life's timeline, your daily inspiration – Weeks visualized, ambitions actualized
6 users
Ad Cleaner
A powerful adblocker with lots of customization that blocks 97% ads on surface web.
6 users
إشارات اتاحة المواقع الكترونية
أدوات لإتاحة المواقع الإلكترونية لذوي الإعاقة ,والهمم وأدوات لترجمة الموقع للغة الإشارة للصم ،يدعم الاعاقة السمعية والبصرية وعمى الألوان وفرط الحركة ونوبات الصرع وكبار السن تصفح مناسب ومتاح للجميع
6 users
Based Highlighter
Pure and simple perfect webpage highlighter. Just select the text, right-click menu option to highlight. All your saved highlights displayed on a single index page, with import/export. Highlights displayed (of course) when you reload the page.
6 users
Poipoi Extension
This extension add experimental features to gikopoipoi.
6 users
Moodle Plus
6 users
네이버 블로그 모바일 뷰 화면의 가독성을 올려줍니다.
6 users
Obliterates rounded corners.
5 users
Style Tab
a new tab, a css writer, a html saver with css and images, use local picture as web background easily especially in mobile, setting button is on the top-right corner, the flower icon,
5 users
Reddit Hide Viewed Posts
Hide viewed reddit posts
5 users
SEQTA Vanced
An advanced and powerful extension that provides dark-mode and custom themes for SEQTA.
5 users
Teleprompter Mirror
Mirrors almost any webpage for use with a teleprompter.
5 users
Ekstensi untuk Program Karya Mebantu Perangkat Karya dalam menggunakan SAPA
5 users
Abject Auto Correct
Vous reprendriez bien un peu de lacrymo?
5 users
Make world-art website suited for mobile view.
5 users
SO Focused
Hides the "Hot Network Questions" sidebar on StackOverflow and related sites.
5 users
FABulous gesture navigation.
5 users
Insta Suggested Blocker
Blocks suggested posts from the Insta website
5 users
Pop the web
This extension allows you to pop elements on webpages with a balloon popping sound
5 users