Timestampify Zendesk
Timestampify adiciona data e hora local na lista de conversas dos tickets da Zendesk. É para quem odeia datas relativas ("X dias", "Y horas"). Testado com sucesso nos tickets da VS DATA.
3 users
Merdella Auto Correct
Ce qui se passe à Tolbiac reste à Tolbiac, ou pas
3 users
If you can't make what you want to do easy, make the things you shouldn't do hard!
3 users
Productive YouTube (REMOVE SHORTS)
Automatic YouTube Shorts Redirection and hide home page recommendations If the URL contains shorts, it splits the URL and redirects to the regular video player.
3 users
Right-aligns the ChatGPT and DEEPSEEK page for Persian users.
3 users
Vivius Homepage
Basit bir şekilde tarayıcınızın anasayfası.
3 users
This extension highlights classes of particular study in IS of <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/2eb812396a11f1bbda7497db8b37d44a58c28e2350ab8ed1c2f1fff41ad922c4/http%3A//MUNI.cz" rel="nofollow">MUNI.cz</a> so you don't have to compare them manually by yourself. It also grabs UCO from student email address in Outlook365 and place it above it for simpler copying.
3 users
Dieses Add-on ermöglicht es Ihnen, die Unterseiten von <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/5782b02b9cd9344492326da40885f00f47a5bd855053270205a418487bdd62ad/http%3A//Briefform.de" rel="nofollow">Briefform.de</a> mit einem Klick zu öffnen. Sie können schnell und einfach Briefe, E-Mails, Faxe und mehr erstellen und versenden.
3 users
Make <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/f5b96a9e478eedb841c4ce73b657ed86f014a22dd9022a2480b920d4ea1426dd/http%3A//mangaread.org" rel="nofollow">mangaread.org</a> oled compatible.
3 users
Собирает результаты прохождения тестов и находит правильные ответы
3 users
Millionbook Font Size Changer
An Firefox for Android compatible webextension that adds a button to toggle between font sizes on the <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/2f0a9b8651c62ac6202767e241f3b9fee0c2f926dec1afe9926df636a7541bf9/http%3A//millionbook.com" rel="nofollow">millionbook.com</a> website.
3 users
DarkGalaxy Plus
A suite of modules that enhance your DarkGalaxy browsing experience.
3 users
Recipe Checkbox
Adds checkboxes to selected websites with recipes & more
3 users
Add a tint effect to a webpage to make it better.
3 users
Disable the Selection API
(partially) disable the Selection API from a content script via exportFunction()
3 users
Dodaje użyteczne funkcje do czytnika WolneLektury
3 users
Anime Sama Style
Modifier le style Anime Sama, une extension non officielle
3 users
YouTube Chickenificator
Replaces the YouTube logo with LaminatedChicken's custom one.
3 users
OpenProject wiki collapser
Automatically collapses all wiki-sidemenu topics of Open project.
3 users
screenshots - from the screen, straight to your clipboard.
3 users
Tiira search filter
Add filtering and sorting to the <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/533f19157c4c2e799b3144732a8085d01b725910dbe8ad364243d64e62935610/http%3A//Tiira.fi" rel="nofollow">Tiira.fi</a> search results
2 users
YouTube buzzyify
Modify YouTube thumbnails to include buzzy
2 users
Entfernt die Anzeigen von Studentenverbindungen auf WG-Gesucht.de aus den Suchanzeigen damit du nur die relevanten Anzeigen siehst.
2 users
Relógio HD
Uma nova página de guia em formato de relógio com horário e data.
2 users
MC Tools
Makes the MC website more useful
2 users