YouTube Enhancer
Enhance your YouTube experience by customizing the layout and accessing additional features for an optimized viewing journey.
186 users
Reddit post notifier
Watch for the latest submissions in subreddits, reddit searches and get notifications about new private messages.
182 users
Workona Tasks - Todo list & project manager
The best task list for work in the browser. Now it’s simple to jot down a task, check in with your most important todos, or create a task list for a project. Creating todo lists is easier than ever — just click the button in your browser bar.
181 users
Available on Game Pass
Know if a game on Steam is also available on Game Pass displaying all platforms where you can play it
177 users
Monastery restricts your browsing session and blocks and limits time spent on a user-supplied blacklist.
175 users
B.S. Detector
A browser extension that alerts users to unreliable news sources.
173 users - Phishing | Malware Scanner
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> tool designed to detect and prevent phishing attempts. Discover potential phishing with the linked web page.
173 users
Google Meet Auto Admit
Automatically admits users in Google Meet.
171 users
Tenez vous informé de l'heure des streams de Sardoche.
171 users
Ne rate plus aucun live avec la master extension !
171 users
171 users
Desktop Meter by Romir
Cпециальное браузерное расширение для респондентов Consumer Scan Panel
171 users
PrivacySpy lets you know how the sites you visit handle your personal data. See privacy policies rated on a 10-point scale, as well as warnings when data breaches occur.
169 users
mycashbacks: cashback and coupons
Don't ever miss cashback again and save money on your everyday shopping.
169 users
원신 플로우
원신 맵스의 게임 속 맵핀 가져오기 및 원신 포럼 자동 출석 기능을 사용할 수 있어요.
166 users
NoTrack - Block Redirection Tracking
Prevents redirect links from tracking you in popular search engines.
164 users
An Etherscan extension for your browser. View the current gas fees and the latest block number with a single click. Made with love by Etherscan!
162 users
Verified First - Background Screening
Accelerate your hiring through easily ordering background screening solutions via Verified First.
160 users
Furaffinity Notifier
Displays the number of notifications the user has on on his signed in <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a> account.
159 users
Ashampoo Browser Security
Blocks dangerous websites that distribute malware and prevents phishing attacks.
155 users
Feedly Notifier Plus
Feedly Notifier Plus is a badged powered toolbar notifier for <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>, a productive way to organize, read and share the content of your favorite feeds, blogs and news sites.
155 users
Tomato Tomato is a minimalistic productivity/work-flow management extension. Its concept revolves around working for a set amount of time, then taking a short break before working again. During work sessions, user-specified websites are blocked.
154 users
MainWP Browser Extension
Stay informed by monitoring available updates and non-MainWP changes to your WordPress sites. Connects to your MainWP Dashboard via REST API.
153 users
The Old Reader Notifier
A tool to keep up with your The Old Reader account. RSS made easy!
152 users
See the status of your Icinga or Nagios instance at a glance in your browser.
152 users