Tab reloader
Updating tabs by time You can configure updates for each separately In the pop-up window, you will switch between tabs and the set time for each of them Convenient control and ease of use!
245 users
World Clock
Display multiple world clocks in toolbar popup.
243 users
Pontoon Add-on
Tools for Pontoon and its integration into the browser.
239 users
Toolbar Weather
This extension shows in your toolbar the current weather and the degree in Celsius, when you click is possible to see more details about the weather in your city. In addition to being able to view the forecast for the next 24 and 48 hours.
239 users
Копикот.ру - кэшбэк-сайт для онлайн шопинга
Теперь Вы не упустите свой кэшбэк! Возвращайте до 30% за каждую покупку в 1000 магазинах со всего мира. И если даже вы забыли зайти в магазин через кэшбэк-сервис, панель Копикот.ру для браузера Mozilla Firefox обязательно напомнит Вам об этом.
237 users
Week Ly - Week number
This app shows you the current Week! -Tool tip shows current week -Click to show a random quote.
236 users
IP finder
Find the IP of given website along with other details. Places an icon in address bar and when clicked gives details of the website as IPaddress, hosts, nameservers etc.
235 users
Productive Cycles
Simple-yet-complete Pomodoro timer.
232 users
Hydrator reminds you to drink water with a preset time using simple browser notifications!
228 users
Promo Alert
Searches Latest Promotions, Discounts and Coupons on websites you visit and shows you notifications if any found
225 users
WebSocket Detector
Simple extension that detects websocket connection on the page and shows indicator.
224 users
Fivlytics - Fiverr Seller Assistant
Fivlytics is a tool which helps you to view Fiverr keyword analytics, seo and extract more information from fiverr
221 users
Adds hour part of clock to your Toolbar. No permissions required.
221 users
OpenFarm - FarmeraMania
OpenFarm zeigt Dir Statistiken zu deiner Farm. Du kannst Items auf den Wolkenlinien, im Inventar oder auf der Farm suchen. OpenFarm meldet Dir über den Nachrichten-Dienst zudem die neusten Artikel und Updates von <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>.
218 users
Make sound response when event happen.
215 users
Amazon Vine Ultraviner
Optimize ordering and reviewing experience for Amazon Vine Users.
214 users
Qompar - Amazon Price Comparator, Tracker & Saver
Compare, track and save products on different european Amazon marketplace with the Qompar extension
212 users
Simple Browsing Schedule
Schedules your chosen Websites to open on specific days of the week / month / year and at specific times. Useful for reminding yourself to check your favourite websites.
208 users
Selection of profitable exchange offers with the BestChange exchanger monitor.
206 users
Browser Screen Time
Keep track of the amount of time you spend on the internet
204 users
Basketball Box Scores
The best NBA browser extension with box scores, standings, highlights and more! Providing a clean and unique way to experiences box scores with a single click on the basketball icon!
198 users
9anime Companion
A simple companion extension for 9anime
194 users
Alarm, Timer and Stopwatch
A powerful alarm extension that supports timer and stopwatch with snooze
192 users
Server Status
Quickly view basic info about every webpage, including server location, IP addresses, certificate issuer and expiration date, HTTP status code and load time.
192 users