RSI Companion
Improve your RSI experience.
510 users
App for Hangouts™
Google™ Hangouts Panel is an easy way to check Google Hangouts while you browse internet.
499 users
Zecento: Droplist con AI
L'algoritmo ti dice se conviene comprare ora o aspettare su Amazon. E ti avvisa su WhatsApp e sull'email appena il prezzo scende
490 users
Yet Another Bitcoin Price Ticker
A simple bitcoin price ticker, powered by <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>.
485 users
TrackWapp WhatsApp Online Monitor
When your crush 💕 be online 🤳 on whatsapp👀 get notification 🔔 in your Desktop 🖥️ and cross platform notification without any installed app in Smartphone 📱 and more
475 users
Show a clock on current web page, Set the font, color, size and position of the clock.
475 users
ProtonMail (unofficial)
Unofficial ProtonMail extension. Provides notifications and makes it possible to close the ProtonMail tab, and even the browser, without getting logged out.
464 users
Remove Login With Google
Remove the Login With Google Popup on all websites.
460 users
Print Button
Easily print any page with just one click!
459 users
Email Notifier
A lite notifier that works with Gmail™, Yahoo, Live, iCloud, <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> and GMX
452 users
Автозаповнення полiв сторiнки з файлу обмiну в особистому кабiнетi "Електроннi сервiси Держгеокадастру"
451 users
Price Tracker
A simple and effective universal Price Tracker with no trackers or loads of background or scripts. Just Click and Track. Get alert with direct product link of price drop.
438 users
Web Privacy Defender
Web Privacy Defender is a lightweight tool that protects your online identity by preventing WebRTC leaks, which can expose your real IP address, even when using a VPN. This extension ensures your IP remains hidden, adding an extra layer of privacy.
425 users
Zabbix Vue
Connects to Zabbix servers to display current problems. Supports multiple servers, browser icon is updated for number and severity of issues, popup list can be filtered & sorted, and items can be clicked for action buttons.
422 users
Extensão desenvolvida para recarregar a página selecionada de acordo com os tempos disponíveis nela.
420 users
Stop Malware Content
Restricts access to harmful or unwanted web resources.
419 users
Minimalist Focus Timer
A minimalist focus timer using the pomodoro technique that displays progress through the extension icon.
417 users
Tab notifier
Enables desktop notifications like in Chrome (e.g. Gmail, <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>) and, if the site doesn't support them, it can notify new messages or updates detecting changes of the title (e.g. Hotmail, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter). Even if the browser is minimized!
416 users
Yahoo Mail Sidebar
Yahoo Mail Sidebar brings Yahoo Mail right into your Firefox Sidebar.
416 users
Refresh All Tabs
Refresh all tabs, bypassing locally stored cache (aka hard-refresh). That is all.
412 users
Twitch Live Channels
Twitch Live Channels helps you keep track of who is LIVE out of the channels you follow on Twitch (<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>). You can also configure it to send you Notifications whenever a channel you follow goes LIVE. Never miss a stream again 😉 👍
408 users
Dólar Hoje
O DolarHoje é um conversor de dólar para o real.
407 users
Extension officielle de Squeezie. Soit notifié lorsqu'il lance un live ou sort une vidéo YouTube !
402 users
IDN Safe
IDN Safe is a browser extension which blocks internationalized domain names to prevent you from visiting probable fake sites.
401 users
Refresh your browser tab automatically at the desired interval.
398 users