Pinned GMail
Go to the pinned GMail tab. If it doesn't exist, it's created. It also alerts you the unread emails.
5,260 users
Reload All Tabs
Reload all tabs using keyboard shortcut or toolbar button.
4,825 users
Pomodoro clock extension
A simple pomodoro clock to hack your productivity.
4,798 users
Ground News Bias Checker
Explore the web and lookup articles you find on Ground News
4,545 users
Prolific Assistant
Monitors <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> for new studies.
4,398 users
Mind the Time
Keep track of how much time you spend on the web, and where you spend it. A toolbar ticker shows the time spent at the current site or the total time spent on the web today. A summary page sums up data for the past 70 days, 10 weeks, and 6 months.
4,376 users
Checker Plus for Google Calendar™
4,150 users
This plugin adds links to existing PubPeer comments on journal websites and PubMed.
4,108 users
Gumbo: Twitch Companion
Swollen companion keeping you updated on your Twitch experience
3,694 users
Web Messenger
Access to WhatsApp Web from within a toolbar panel and get badge notification of unread threads
3,680 users
Twitch Live
Twitch Live is a browser extension for Firefox that makes it easy to check which of your favorite <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> channels are currently live. You can also configure the extension to send you a notification when one of your favorite streams goes online.
3,512 users
ABV Notifier
Official notifier.
3,349 users
Feedly Notifier
Feedly notifier is a tiny extension that keeps you up to date with your feedly subscriptions.
3,290 users
Textarea Cache
Allows to save automatically the content in a text input field.
3,206 users
Want My RSS
RSS featutes for Firefox
3,155 users
Now available for Android! Recently called "THE Parental Control for Firefox"! FoxFilter is a personal content filter that helps block pornographic and other inappropriate content.
3,144 users Cashback Reminder
Get cashback in one click on all your purchases when you shop online with the Widilo Cashback Reminder.
2,891 users
Get a simple overview of your RSS and Atom feeds in the toolbar.
2,844 users
AdBlocker Lite
block ads seamlessly on popular websites
2,743 users
Ban Checker for Steam
Automatically check bans of people you recently played with, your friends, and group members. This add-on is for Steam users, after installing it head over to your recently played page or your friends page. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
2,550 users
Popupblocker kann alle Pop-ups blockieren. Viele Webseiten öffnen neue Fenster mit Werbung, wenn man versucht Text zu makieren oder etwas anklickt. Dieses Add-on blockiert das und zeigt einen ganz kleinen Hinweis an.
2,528 users
Get RSS Feed URL
Retrieve RSS feeds URLs from a WebSite. Now in Firefox!
2,525 users
Keep Awake (Screen Only)
Keep your computer's screen from turning off with just one click.
2,519 users
SubWallet - Polkadot Wallet
SubWallet is the comprehensive non-custodial wallet solution for Polkadot, Substrate & Ethereum ecosystems.
2,518 users
A browser extension that provides information and controls for media playing in the browser to external adapters.
2,423 users