Lexia Reader
Read & Learn 2-3 times faster with: OpenDyslexic font for dyslexia, Line Ruler for focused reading, Screen Shader for eye strain.
299 users
Wattpad Copy
Allows to copy text on Wattpad.
295 users
Dictionary Plus
A popup dictionary for quickly looking up word-meanings. It also allows to you to save new words that you like and build your vocabulary.
292 users
Spanish Special Characters
An extension to easily copy and paste Spanish special characters.
289 users
Adds automatic keyboard selection for <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/de2025f6379b8226982b69e15bf9eafe4584f538f019fc203952675190bb73f6/http%3A//duolingo.com">duolingo.com</a> based on user preferences.
289 users
C/C++ Search Extension
The ultimate search extension for C/C++
287 users
Clarity for Arabic script text
283 users
Tureng Anlık Sözlük
Çevirmek istediğiniz bir kelimeyi fare kullanarak seçmeniz yeterli. Tureng çeviri, kelimenin yanına bir kutu açarak kelimenin olası tüm çevirilerini görüntüler.
282 users
Lehen hitza euskaraz
Webgune bat bisitatzean zure nabigatzaileak euskarazko bertsioa lehenetsiko dizu. Modifies the browser's Accept-Language header to request content in the Basque language, if available.
280 users
279 users
Virtual Arabic Keyboard
Virtual arabic keyboard which lets you type in Arabic language in case you don't have a physical arabic keyboard attached to your computer.More info on
278 users
Duolingo Solution Viewer
Provides access to the lists of solutions for Duolingo's translation / listening challenges, and restores the correction of typos.
278 users
278 users
Open Web Launch
This extension helps run Java Web Start applications in all java versions, including OpenJDK 11, Oracle Java 11
277 users
Emoji Box
Input emoji.
274 users
La Bulle Elix
Accédez à la traduction de mots et leur définition en langue des signes française instantanément ! <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/11c682d9f42bbfd1bbd95cf5c837c1d31678a3de4dad24ca39222d62079310c0/https%3A//youtu.be/IXuIIYHjwVQ" rel="nofollow">Découvrez le tutoriel de la Bulle Elix en LSF sur Youtube.</a>
273 users
دولانگه، دولینگو را فارسی میکند و به فارسیزبانان اجازه میدهد در دولینگو انگلیسی یاد بگیرند. Makes Duolingo Persian and lets Persian speaking people to learn English via Duoligo.
272 users
Word Reference Translator
Firefox extension to allow quick access to <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/0d787fab85e914e804d213a3016bc2c7ab0a8effcf6272b97ec984d585a85eaf/http%3A//www.wordreference.com">www.wordreference.com</a>. Based on <a rel="nofollow" href="https://addons.mozilla.org/es/firefox/addon/wordreference-translator/">https://addons.mozilla.org/es/firefox/addon/wordreference-translator/</a> (currently obsolete). It opens a new tab with WordReference's translation for the selected word.
272 users
G-Translate on Right Click
Adds Translate with Google Translate to Right Click context menu options, which runs the highlighted text on a new Google Translate page.
269 users
中文 Figma 插件,设计师人工翻译校验。 👁 设计师人工翻译校验 📌 原有功能不受影响 🌍 翻译贡献者: Yancy Min 普鲁文 Pluwen 诺墨 Normalcoder ❤️ 赞助我们:Love.Figma.Cool Made by Figma.Cool
268 users
Translate Menu
Adds Translate to the context menu. Open Google Translate in a new tab and translate the page or selection text into your browser preferred language.
266 users
Wordeep Proofreading and Grammar Checker
Wordeep artificial intelligence proofreading, grammar checker, and writing assistant for Firefox
263 users
Laitis Browser Extension
Laitis Chromium extension allows Laitis to control websites using your voice. Do not work without Laitis Desktop Application.
252 users