↺ Netflix Rewind 1 sec
Allows you to ↺ rewind the videoplayer on netflix.com by 1 second each time you press the <⃣ key. The amount of seconds to seek can be adjusted via the 🛠️ Options page.
210 users
209 users
Google Translate and TSS
This extension creates one context menu item in Firefox. When you click on a menu item, the previously selected text is sent to Google Translate for translating or to Google TTS for listen pronunciation.
206 users
Learn languages by watching films and series. Customizable subtitles and a popup dictionary to master your vocabulary while watching YouTube or Netflix. Open-source and free.
202 users
Firefox上でPDIC(辞書検索ソフト)を利用するアドオンです。 ・マウスでAlt+右クリックした単語の訳をポップアップ検索 ・マウス移動でマウス直下の単語をインクリメンタルサーチ ができます。
201 users
Helyesírás-ellenőrzés a <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/97ae325cdf4c3d953c88b4cdf8bfe724193f2a9f33b3cc3b1bbfc60e00a4b923/http%3A//helyesiras.mta.hu">http://helyesiras.mta.hu</a> oldalon a böngészőben kijelölt szavakra jobb gombbal kattintva megjelenő menüpont, vagy az eszközsávon található gomb segítségével.
198 users
Contextual Wiktionary
The fastest and most intuitive way to define words on the web.
198 users
197 users
BiliBili To English
BiliBili is a video platform that only has a Chinese version. To translate its content into English, you can use this extension.
195 users
192 users
Adds a context menu item to search for a selected word in the PONS online dictionary. Clicking the menu item opens a new tab with the search results on <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/e01e7b431801260a465f88d0d8a7b6c09e957fd6b1003d7614db61a4d300813e/http%3A//pons.com">pons.com</a>. Languages can be changed on the Add-on's settings page.
191 users
Hindi Keyboard
Hindi Keyboard- Type Hindi Words Without Installing Hindi-Keyboard On Your Computer.
190 users
WordReference - Free Translator
Free online dictionaries - Spanish, French, Italian, German and more. Conjugations, audio pronunciations and forums for your questions.
190 users
Zawgyi - Unicode Converter
Zawgyi - Unicode Converter
188 users
English Korean Dictionary (영어사전)
찾고 싶은 단어를 간단히 클릭(Alt+Click)하여 네이버 영어사전을 이용할 수 있습니다.
188 users
Translates Japanese Text on Websites upon hovering it. Dictionaries can be chosen and installed separately. Shift through the dictionaries using Ctrl.
187 users
Bionify - Bionic Reading Plugin
Bionify is a WebBrowser extension that allows for Bionic Reading on many webpages.
186 users
Malayalam Fonts
Malayalam fonts for the entire web. This addon will help you to choose Unicode Malayalam fonts for the websites you visit, without installing anything on your phone or computer. This will work in any website without any configuration.
184 users
Duolingo Boost
Duolingo Boost enhances Duolingo website for even better language learning experience.
183 users
Font Detect
The font-detect extension is a browser add-on that allows users to easily inspect and verify font styles applied to elements when they hover over them on webpages.
183 users
Facility for providing closed captions/subtitles related functions to online videos like Youtube.
182 users
医学文献サイトである PubMed に日本語表示を追加し、全ての日本人医師や研究者が英語論文にアクセスしやすくなるようお手伝いします。 文献掲載誌のインパクトファクターの表示もできますので、重要な論文を効率よく見つけることができます。
181 users
やっぱり Noto Sans
ウェブページ上の読みづらいフォントを、読みやすい Noto Sans に置き換えます。
179 users
Utilisez Bon Patron d'un simple clic-droit ! Bon Patron un correcteur d'orthographe et de grammaire gratuit.
177 users