TranslitKeyboard - Ukrainian
Українська на латинській (німецькій, англійській та інших) клавіатурах. Ukrainian on latin (german, english and other) keyboards. Ukrainisch auf der lateinischen (deutschen, englischen und anderen) Tastaturen.
14 users
Convert Malayalam, Hindi, Kannada webpages to Manglish, Hinglish, Kanglish.
14 users
Language TranslatorX
The Language Translator Chrome extension is a powerful tool for seamless translation between multiple languages. Its user-friendly interface and robust functionality enable effective communication across borders, breaking down language barriers.
14 users
Look up persian words using Vajehyab
14 users
Digi-Utils provides various enhancements for <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>, a Class Register Software primarely used by South Tyrolean schools.
14 users
Words Discoverer
Highlights rare English dictionary words and idioms on web pages. Facilitates English language learning and expands your vocabulary.
14 users
Lisan multilingual proofreader and writing assistant.
14 users
Progressive Immersion
A browser extension that progressively immerses you in a language. Using Google Translate we translate frequent words in sites you read to a language you want to learn!
14 users
Get Emoji
Collection of more than 1000 emojis. Just select, copy and paste.
14 users
Add zhuyin fuhao next to Chinese characters, port of Phoebe Tai's Chrome extension.
14 users
Abkürzungssuche für juristische Begriffe/Abkürzungen
13 users
HTTP proxy for API testing website
This is a HTTP proxy which helps to send request without Cross-Origin Resource Sharing issue in APIs testing website <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
13 users
Translation Plugin To chinese
Translate selected text using ChatGPT API.
13 users
SRT/VTT/ASS Subtitle Translator powered by ChatGPT
Translate SRT/VTT/ASS subtitle files in 1 click to multiple languages using ChatGPT. 10KB free daily usage.
13 users
Leo Recherche
Suche im Online Wörterbuch Leo
13 users
Experimental extension to translate BowlRoll into English.
13 users
Lemmy Language memorizer
Remembers your last used language in a lemmy post so you don't have to select it again!
13 users
Traduza para mim
Traduz o texto selecionado usando o '<a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>'.
13 users
Holy Quran
The Holy Quran with English Translation.
13 users
When select a word, open a pop-up panel with de 'Cambridge English-Spanish dictionary'
13 users
Accept Language Switcher
A webextension which allows to change the Accept-Language header. The purpose is to quickly change the header in order to test a website against multiple languages.
13 users
WWDCのビデオに多言語対応の字幕を表示します。注: この拡張機能および字幕は非公式のものです。
13 users
taf-Text To Speech
Reads out loud the selected text.
13 users
The add-on romanizes (converts to latin script) the text of loaded pages, if language is enabled and web page is included. Languages: Chinese, Arabic, Russian, Greek ... It shows the pronunciation of English words.
13 users
JS Search Extension
The ultimate search extension for Javascript!
13 users