Ĉapelisto converts webpages written in Esperanto from "ikso-sistemo" to tradicional Esperanto alphabet ("Cxapelisto" to "Ĉapelisto"). --- Ĉapelisto konvertas aŭtomate retpaĝojn el la ikso-sistemo al la tradicia supersigna sistemo.
11 users
TranslateBase: Provide comprehensive,accurate and convenient AI intelligent translation tools.
11 users
WordMapDictionary | A visual dictionary/thesaurus
WordMapDictionary is a visual dictionary-cum-thesaurus. It uses a mindmap like interface to show relationships between words, definitions and other definitions. Demo: <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/2405b2009266704d4f90fba6ccbd9143728ccc03c03084dade58e5713c7dca92/https%3A//www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv=oOpiTcyWFs0" rel="nofollow">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOpiTcyWFs0</a>
11 users
Écriture inclusive ? Non merci.
Traduit les textes utilisant l'écriture inclusive en français Un petit bouton apparaît dans la barre d'outil du navigateur, appuyer dessus enlève les écritures inclusives de la page web.
11 users
Ghbdtn! -> Привет!
Позволяет перевести текст, который был набран ошибочно на неправильной английской раскладке, на русский.
11 users
Speak Dictionary
Speak Dictionary displays the meaning/definition of any word selected by the user on any webpage and also speaks the meaning/definition of the selected word.
10 users
Beautifies pornhub.
10 users
Math Direction Fixer
Fixes the direction of math formulas in RTL text, making spans LTR.
10 users
Text Translator (English)
Presents a right-click menu option to translate a selected text to English language.
10 users
Naver Endic Autocomplete (Unofficial)
네이버 영어사전 자동완성 목록을 보여줍니다
10 users
Phonetic Alphabet
Drop Down to easily see the phonetic alphabet
10 users
Inline translator
insert translated text to each paragraphs
10 users
Grammar Checker
Make your English communication flawless by rectifying grammar, spelling, and syntax mistakes existing in any kind of text with <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/180da20c0800f2bddcc3ee7e7eb81d38273344bbe8e0cbc66eeee6de3db0281f/http%3A//GrammarChecker.com" rel="nofollow">GrammarChecker.com</a>
10 users
Latin dictionary
Translate Latin words (one at a time) by selecting them and choosing this extension in the context menu.
10 users
JAWS Inspect is a web developer tool that reports how JAWS screen reader "sees" and "reads" a web page.
10 users
10 users
[LIPSS-Beta] Learn a new language!
Easily learn, improve and practice your new language skills through Netflix movies and series with dual subtitles!
10 users
Multilingual Fox
파이어폭스를 위한 어학 사전 확장 기능. A simple dictionary extension for firefox.
10 users
Enhance language learning by watching videos with customizable subtitles, instant translations, and a built-in dictionary. Works with YouTube, Netflix, and more.
10 users
つながる英単語 Picker
マウスを当てるだけ。英単語を瞬間検索! 「つながる英単語Picker」はブラウザで利用いただける辞書ツールです。 ウェブサイトの文章はもちろん、YouTubeの字幕にも対応します。 調べたい英語にマウスを当てるだけで、単語の意味を瞬時に検索します。 【つながる英単語 picker では以下のことが可能です】 ・ウェブサイト上の単語や熟語の意味が調べられる ・YouTube の字幕にも対応! ・復習したい単語は保存ができる ・好きな辞書データをインポート可能
10 users
Ersetzt die gängigsten Formen von gegenderter Sprache durch den Genderclown🤡.
9 users
This browser extension enhances word interaction by underlining words on mouseover and capturing context when words are clicked. The captured information is sent to Emacs via org-protocol and displayed in the *paw-view-note* buffer.
9 users
Sinabro Small Dictionary
Unofficial Dictionary Add-On based on Daum Dictionary and kakao i translate service
9 users
Local AI helper
In short, AIs are not allowed to access all content. But you, as a user, can. This tool helps you with tasks such as summarising current tab. Read this - it is mportant: <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/de13f026a1c63e525096725d487a9197a6badc54b326baed1e47e6f5e63f1485/https%3A//github.com/ivostoykov/localAI/blob/main/ff.md" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/ivostoykov/localAI/blob/main/ff.md</a>
9 users