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3 users
SteamCMD Link Converter
Automatically converts Steam Workshop URLs to SteamCMD download commands.
3 users
AI Chat Assistant
An AI-powered chat assis# AI Chat Browser Extension ## 产品用途 这是一个AI驱动的网页助手扩展,为用户提供即时的智能对话服务。用户可以在任何网页上通过右侧边栏与AI助手进行对话,获取信息解答和帮助。扩展程序专注于提供流畅的AI对话体验,支持Markdown格式和代码高亮显示,让用户可以随时获得AI的智能协助。
3 users
Find the spelling and meaning of a kanji with a click.
3 users
Mistype switcher
Switch accidentally typed Hebrew text in English back to Hebrew and vice versa. akuo <==> שלום.
3 users
dictionary configurer
The extension can enable spell checking for all fields on a page or on all pages of all sites by default. Also it lets you choose which spell checking dictionaries use by default. Useful for multi language dictionary to set them active by default.
3 users
Dodatek zamienia w wyświetlanych stronach wszelkie neologizmy i dziwne nowoczesne formy na klasyczne słowa języka polskiego
3 users
فارسیسازی و راستچینسازی بخشهایی از سایت Persian and RTL support for Qwen Chat.
3 users
Vocabulary Words Highlighter
This extension highlights the words on the webpage you are viewing. 高亮显示英文网页中的高级词汇
3 users
create a google translate history dictionary for later use.
3 users
Pāli dictionary and sutta search using Simsapa Dhamma Reader.
3 users
App Store Review Templates
An browser web extension which add templating generic answer support to app store reviews website including Google Play Store. oogle Play Store.
3 users
Ikesu: DeepL + Sentence Split
3 users
Quick Translate & Learn
Translates selected text using Google Translate and saves words for Quizlet.
3 users
Basically just Russel Simmons' subadub, but with the subtitle background at full opacity. This allows you to hide your native language subtitles underneath, to access them only when needed by pressing "s".
3 users
Spot nynorsk articles on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> and draw a red border around.
3 users
CantoDict - Chinese Word
Adds a search engine that searches CantoDict (<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>) for a Chinese word.
3 users
MyRW :: My text ReWriter
The Free Article Rewriter Tool Welcome to the MyRW web-app, A free but unique text rewriting tool. A tool that allows you to rewrite paragraphs, sentences, articles, essays and other written material.
3 users
CantoDict - Chinese Character
Adds a search engine that searches CantoDict (<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>) for a Chinese character.
3 users
Māori Dictionary Search
Select words and right-click to search for them in Te Aka (online Māori Dictionary).
3 users
Unified Docs Switcher
Automatically redirect to preferred documentation version for PostgreSQL, Python, and Django
3 users
Translate selected text in first tab by clicking on button
3 users
Huahua: Chinese Popup Dict
Chinese language popup dictionary! Great tool for language learning
3 users
Translation of selected text or a fully web-site from any language to any language
3 users
Never have to do homework again, SenecDone will do seneca assignments at the click of a button
3 users