2 users
Ruwiki Redirect
Заменяет ссылки на Википедию ссылками на Рувики.
2 users
VocAdapt helps you learn new languages by simplifying web content to your proficiency level, making it easier to understand and engage with real-world text.
2 users
Holy Bible verses hasard
Displays a random Bible verse. Just click on the button and you will have a new Bible verse. God bless you !
2 users
本擴充功能可以在維基百科上加注音 請先安裝 [源樣注音明體] <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/ff1ca179319cbdd7e068056dbaf4535fae8751cc1d1684f4c113596906bc9ee7/https%3A//github.com/ButTaiwan/bpmfvs/releases/download/v1.320/BpmfGenYoGothic.zip" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/ButTaiwan/bpmfvs/releases/download/v1.320/BpmfGenYoGothic.zip</a> 再安裝本擴充功能
2 users
F1TV fix
Adds english option for f1tv in belgium.
2 users
Encode and decode morse code.
2 users
Broken Lessons
Takes you directly to the lessons that need to be revised.
2 users
Virtual to 'Virtual'
The Virtual to 'Virtual' extension places all instances of the word virtual on each webpage within single inverted commas.
2 users
Chocolatine Auto Correct
La paix sur la Terre retrouvée : remplace dans toutes les pages le mot 'Chocolatine' par 'Pain au chocolat'. Ou inversement pour les mécréants.
2 users
AI Chat Hub
Centralized access to AI chat services on any website.
2 users
BikBik Reader
Take text from any website, and in any language, and send it to the BikBik Reader to assist in your foreign language reading immersion practice.
2 users
DeepSeek Direction Adjuster
Adds direction controls ('RTL' and 'LTR') to blocks in DeepSeek chat.
2 users
Open Translate Addon
in place translation to aid language learners with unfamiliar vocabulary
2 users
GPT Corrector
Improve your grammar through AI (ChatGPT)
2 users
Reverie Multilingual Typing
Allows Users to type in Different Indian Languages
2 users
صححلي - أداة مقدمة من شركة صخر، تقوم بتدقيق نصوصك نحويا وإملائياً
2 users
Accents and non-breaking spaces
A sidebar to insert or copy accentuated letters, punctuation marks with non-breaking space, and more.
2 users
This extension allows you to save definitions you find online to your local machine.
2 users
Zhongwen Zhuyin Only CSS Modified
Modified Firefox port of the Zhongwen Chrome extension. Chinese-English dictionary and learning tool.
2 users
PJO to Anki
Adiciona um botão para automatizar a criação de cartas no Anki à partir das frases do site.
2 users
Écriture inclusive
Soyez plus inclusif·ve grâce à l'extension écriture inclusive ! Celle-ci permet à ses utilisateur·rice·s de trouver facilement les déclinaisons inclusives des mots.
2 users
The dictionary definition for a selected, mouse pointed or manually input word
2 users
Incremental Reading for Language Learning.
2 users
Clipboard Inserter Fork
A fork of a simple addon that inserts clipboard contents into the page. Uses icon made by Google from <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/11f8cd4a74d96337bc9d33cd2178e00465b4508af2cfcc4406bdd44cdc81529f/http%3A//www.flaticon.com" rel="nofollow">www.flaticon.com</a> licensed by CC 3.0 BY. Adds text to top.
2 users