Simple WebSocket Client
Construct custom Web Socket requests and handle responses to directly test your Web Socket services.
3,605 users
Bluhell Firewall
Get a faster browsing experience by blocking nasty web resources using Bluhell Firewall, the lightweight Ad-Blocker and Tracking/Privacy Protector.
3,593 users
Mouse Dictionary
3,553 users
Topaz SigPlusExtLite Extension
The Topaz SigPlusExtLite Firefox Extension enables users to capture signatures on a wide variety of Topaz signature pads.
3,549 users
Speaker Booster
Unleash the power of sound on your browser! Increase volume to max level and control the it of any tab.
3,534 users
GoPlay Extension
Allow Playback for GoPlay Server 2, Server 5, and Server 8.
3,531 users
AVJT - Assistente Virtual para Justiça do Trabalho
O AVJT - Assistente Virtual para Justiça do Trabalho é um recurso de Acessibilidade para servidores com capacidade motora reduzida da Justiça do Trabalho que visa a facilitar a operação dos principais sistemas (PJe, Consultas, Pesquisas, E-mail...).
3,517 users
Page Ruler
Measure page elements size in pixel with an easy-to-use ruler.
3,465 users
Text to Speech (TTS)
Text to Speech is a text to speech engine with natural sounding voices.
3,446 users
Windowed - floating Youtube/every website
Changes fullscreen buttons to go into a popup. Works for every website that uses fullscreen, including Youtube, Vimeo, Netflix
3,430 users
Windows 10 Accounts Port
Sign in to supported websites with accounts on Windows 10. Ported from the Chrome's Windows 10 Accounts extension.
3,426 users
MAGic Cast
MAGic Cast позволяет воспроизводить на экране телевизора видео с веб-сайтов, в том числе фильмы, телешоу, трансляции новостей и спортивных передач.
3,424 users
Twitch Ad Muter
Mutes Twitch tabs when ads roll
3,412 users
Log from PHP to a devtools panel.
3,392 users
Google Analytics Debugger
Prints useful information to the JavaScript console by enabling the debug version of the Google Analytics Javascript. P.S: this add-on is migrated from Chrome store.
3,386 users
ICPBravo Access ICPBrasil and General PKI Extension.
3,378 users
QueChoisir - Oqif
En vue de réaliser un état des lieux de l’Internet fixe en France, l’UFC-Que Choisir a développé un outil ouvert à tous. En téléchargeant notre extension sur votre ordinateur, vous alimenterez notre observatoire exclusif.
3,366 users
Unblock Youku
Unblock Youku helps users outside Mainland China to access geo-restricted content of some popular Chinese websites (e.g., Bilibili, Youku, Tudou, etc.).
3,344 users
smartUp Gestures
A better gestures extension. Features include: mouse gestures, simple drag, super drag, rocker gesutres and wheel gestures.
3,339 users
Black Menu for Google™
The easiest access to the Google universe
3,324 users
QuickDrag WE
Extends the function of the drag-and-drop mouse gesture so that it can be used to load URLs, do a web search of selected text on a page, or save an image on a page.
3,280 users
Advanced form filler
3,248 users
Email Extractor
Automated Email Extraction Tool which extracts email addresses from web pages and AutoSaves them to use anytime.
3,244 users
Backit plugin
Get cashback on every purchase in AliExpress, Gearbest, ASOS and other popular stores with the backit plugin
3,243 users
Try XPath
This add-on displays the result of evaluating XPath expression or CSS selector.
3,232 users