RoSeal - Augmented Roblox Experience
Improve your Roblox website experience, seals included!
2,788 users
MSN Homepage and Bing Search Engine
Set MSN as your homepage and Bing as your search engine
2,785 users
ReCaptcha Solver
Verify Google ReCaptcha V2 automatically with :2Captcha, DeathByCaptcha, ImageTyperz, RuCaptcha, Anti-Captcha, BestCaptchaSolver and EndCaptcha Without API or TOKEN key it won't work!!
2,784 users
Rename Tab Title
Renames the Tab Title (Persistent across the sessions). Renaming to add custom words in tab titles makes it easy to search for tabs in the address bar.
2,753 users
Ajoute un simple bouton pour injecter un cookie Xdebug. Compatible avec Firefox 57+ (Quantum). Il s'agit d'un portage du module "The easiest Xdebug" par Nikita Nikitin, qui n'est pas compatible avec WebExtensions.
2,750 users
SN Utils
ServiceNow Productivity tools. (Personal work, not affiliated to ServiceNow)
2,718 users
Precious Bible & Custom Web Search
Add the Precious Bible & Custom Web Search extension to read Bible verses by clicking the favicon on the toolbar & enjoy Yahoo® search from your browser.
2,709 users
Half Bold
A tool to help people with ADHD improve their reading focus and comprehension.
2,708 users
With this extension you can find expired bookmarks and remove them easily. You can find all kinds of broken bookmarks, like pages that return 404 (Page not found) or other HTTP errors.
2,700 users
Lettres Gratuites
Tous nos modèles de lettres et CV
2,697 users
Jira Assistant: Worklog, Sprint report, Timer, etc
Help to track & upload work done on a Jira Ticket on timely basis and generate report. Notify about latest updates in Jira Issues, shortage in worklogs and meetings based on integration with Calendar.
2,693 users
Tree Tabs
You can manage your tabs in a tree structure. Themes: <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a> Some of many features: - Drag&drop tabs to make trees - Select multiple tabs at once using ctrl or shift keys. - Search tabs using search tool
2,684 users
Feature Queries Manager
Manage and toggle CSS on a page behind a @supports Feature Query.
2,679 users
Custom Style Script
Add custom JavaScript codes or styles to any page.
2,677 users
LiveReload - Web extension
Web extension based version of LiveReload. Supports Firefox 57 (Firefox Quantum)
2,662 users
Currency Converter
Real-time multiple currency converter.
2,625 users
Print/Print Preview Context
Adds Print, Print Preview and Save as PDF commands to the context menu.
2,622 users
Altair GraphQL Client
A beautiful feature-rich GraphQL Client for all platforms.
2,618 users
Fire Drag
Provide drag-and-drop utilities for texts and links
2,616 users Skipper ★NOW WORKING: 9/13/2017★
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ✔ <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ✔ <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ✔ <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ✔ <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ✔ <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ✔ <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ✔ <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ✔ <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ✔ <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ...and more!
2,605 users
Chrome Dinosaur Game For Firefox
Play the Chrome Dino game on firefox.
2,602 users
Laboratory (Content Security Policy / CSP Toolkit)
Because good website security shouldn't only be available to mad scientists! Laboratory is a WebExtension that helps you generate a Content Security Policy (CSP) header for your website.
2,592 users
JabRef Browser Extension
Browser extension for users of the bibliographic reference manager JabRef. It automatically identifies and extracts bibliographic information on websites and sends them to JabRef with one click.
2,584 users
Lettres Gratuites
Tous nos modèles de lettres et CV
2,568 users
Add an icon to the toolbar.When you clicked the icon ,this tool restores the single most recently-closed session, whether it's a tab or a window ; 向工具栏添加一个图标,单击,恢复最近关闭的标签或窗口。
2,563 users