client-side var_dump beautifier
418 users
Open in PDF-XChange™ Viewer
Adds a context menu item to send PDF links directly to PDF-XChange™ Viewer
418 users
Save for later
Saves all tabs in the current window for later use. The saved windows can be re-opened anytime later. Multiple windows can be saved concurrently and be opened later independently in separate windows.
417 users
主要用于开发者访问Google 、Android等网站,简单易 使用,自由零距离。如果你是一名学者,你也可以用于 学术用途访问谷歌学术。值得注意的是这款附加组件并 不支持访问搜索结果中的所有网站,非常抱歉。如果你 想继续访问,可以尝试通过使用在线代理工具或安装支 持全局代理的火狐插件, 如Hoxx VPN。 插件来源于Chrome拓展商店,联系侵删。
417 users
JOSM Strava Heatmap
A browser extension that simplifies getting the TMS imagery url for using the Strava Heatmap in OSM editors
417 users
Change the color of visited link with the color of your choice
416 users
IpProxyHelper allows you set ip proxy,http, https, socks4 and socks5 proxies are supported.
416 users
SecoClient Extensions
416 users
Mooc Assistant
412 users
Link Fixer
Restores consistent ctrl+click, shift+click, cmd+click and middle-click behaviour when clicking links.
411 users
سیدا یار
تسهیلگر مدیران و کاربران سیدا طراح: یونس سوخته زاری <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
411 users
Chicken Smoothie Helper
A utility extension for Chicken Smoothie. Makes organising pets easier by allowing you to select by date, rarity or duplicate pets.
411 users
Foxy Calculator
A Firefox port of the popular Cloudy Calculator. Supports text-based calculations, unit conversion, trigonometry, google rich results, and much more.
410 users
The mini version of Realtools, a collection of tools for the Horse Reality webgame.
410 users
This add-on provides a button to copy the URL strings of all active tabs in a window to a scratchpad, delimit them with newlines, and provides the ability to copy the list to clipboard. The reverse operation is also supported (txt2tabs).
408 users
Gmail Show Time
Shows full date/time in email listing and detail headers.
408 users
XPath Helper for developer
Extract, edit, and evaluate XPath queries with ease. this fork from <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
408 users
ÉTDR (dokumentumok tömeges letöltése)
A kiegészítő segítségével egy gombnyomásra letöltheti az ÉTDR-ből az összes látható dokumentumot. A böngésző beépített letöltésvezérlőjét használja, ezért használat előtt olvassa el a kiegészítő további leírását!
407 users
[STG plugin] Open Manage groups
Open Manage groups page in Simple Tab Groups extention
406 users
H264 Convert
Speed up ur videos!
406 users
FL 1-click Wiki
Open corresponding 'Fallen London Wiki' page with one click!
406 users
Turn all tabs into black-white color. Click the icon again to turn back to original color.
406 users
Circle 阅读助手基础版
Circle reader provides a more private, relaxed and comfortable reading experience
406 users
Connector to the FocusMe desktop application to track and block websites.
405 users
Custom Video Speed for YouTube™
change the current & default speed of YouTube™ videos by steps of 0.1 from 0.1 up to 8.0 using sliders, buttons, and/or the keyboard
404 users