NextPrev Page
Displays the next or previous page by incrementing or decrementing the last number in URL.
386 users
Platform Plus
Adds extra functionality for nGage CRMs regarding Candidates.
385 users
Search the current site
Searches the current website using search engine of your choice (DDG, Google,Yahoo,Bing)
384 users
Tab Reloader
Reload All the tabs in the current window
382 users
When you press command + c (mac) or or ctrl+c (win) with no character selected, save the site title and URL on the clipboard. 文字を選択していない状態でcommand+c (mac) or ctrl+c (win) を押下した時、サイトのタイトルとURLをクリップボードに保存します。
381 users
Freighter is a non-custodial wallet extension that enables you to sign Stellar transactions via your browser.
381 users
Multi URL Opener
Open multiple URLs at the same time in one click! Do you check every day a few specific sites? And you're getting tired of opening them one-by-one? Start being lazy by using this add-on!
379 users
Glow - Solana Wallet
A fast, easy to use Solana wallet.
378 users
Google Calendar (Pin Tab)
Switch to Google Calendar (Pin Tab) with a single click or a Hot Key (Alt+C)!
378 users
TF2 Trade Helper
Helps with trading TF2 items. Steam group: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Website: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
377 users
EPUB Book Translator
Translation of EPUB book into another language.
375 users
Context Plus
Now that we have contextual identities, wouldn't it be nice to move a tab from one identity to another, or from default to a container? I want to do that. Now I can.
373 users
Faronics Insight
Built to work in conjunction with Faronics Insight v11 Student. This extension is required to enable Website Blocking and Website Monitoring features on the student's computers.
371 users
Full Screen Multiple Monitor
This addons support to make automatically fullscreen at the startup for modern browser (Quantum version). This addons purposed for dashboard or kiosk system and can work for multiple monitor. First, set the homepage and then viola. all set sail!
370 users
Ecosia search engine adder
It adds the ecosia search engine to firefox without any popup. It is only compatible with Firefox 55 or greater. Source code : <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>
370 users
Ghost Inspector - Web Test Recorder
Ghost Inspector is an automated browser testing service. Our add-on allows you to record yourself performing actions on your website within your browser, then sync them to the Ghost Inspector service and run them continuously as a regression test.
369 users
JavaScript Errors Notifier
Notifies JavaScript errors by icon in toolbar bar or notification popup GitHub → <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a> Test page → <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>
369 users
Science Research Assistant
Search for scientific information as quickly as possible while researching and writing scientific papers. Its algorithm summarizes the text on any web page, providing the most frequently used keywords and phrases and highlighting key information.
369 users
4chan X - Unofficial Port
This extention implements a direct port of the 4chan X userscript to a Firefox extension. 4chan X is an unofficial script written by users of 4chan to add various features to the site.
369 users
クッキーJSONファイル出力 for Puppeteer
368 users
Extends TreeStyleTab (<a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>) to middle click reopen closed tabs.
367 users
Copies rendered image Latex formula to your clipboard.
367 users
macOS Dictionary Lookup
Select words and look them up in macOS’s Dictionary application.
365 users
Crypto price checker and auto-roller
A simple extension that shows the prices of bitcoin (BTC), ethereum (ETH) and litecoin (LTC) / USD pairs. The extension also does auto-roll for the <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> site. To use, set the toggle switch to ON and leave the site open in one of your tabs.
365 users
Zenfox — Solarized Dynamic Light/Dark Theme
Theme Firefox to suit you, day or night, solarized. Firefox has never looked this good.
363 users