Surf Without Login for Google
Remove login in box automatically that forces you to login. And surf Google without login
46 users
Audio Only on YouTube™
Yes it is possible to play no video on YouTube only audio.
46 users
YouTube Avatar Fix
Скрипт, который заменяет сервер для аватарок, который доступен в Youtube.
46 users
Imgur Grid View
Automatically switches to grid view when an Imgur album or gallery is opened.
45 users
Booru Extractor 3
Add-on for automatic extraction of images from image page of booru-like and other galleries. Currently Gelbooru, Danbooru, Safebooru, <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>, <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>, Flickr, Sankakucomplex is supported.
45 users
Twitch Comfortable Pause
Enables pausing with the spacebar even after pressing the full-screen button or something in Twitch. It also enables pausing by clicking on the screen.
45 users
Send almost every stream from Firefox to Kodi with SendToKodi
45 users
Nejlepší možnost jak stahovat písničky z YouTubu.
45 users
YouTube Search New Tab
A YouTube tweak that allows to open search results in a new tab so you can search the next video without stopping the current video.
45 users
Send to DUNE
Sends YouTube, Rutube and other links to DUNE for playback Отправляет YouTube, Rutube и др. ссылки на DUNE-HD. Contribution/Поддержать add-on. WebMoney: Z106428837866 E536764172541 R161459958004 U265097888333 YandexMoney: 410013615273570
45 users
CiscoWebex helper
This extension add some keyboard event to your CiscoWebex video (Polimi) and Microsoft Sharepoint
44 users
专业ins存图工具,批量下载保存ins上的照片和视频 A Browser Extension for Downloading instagram's Picture & Video
44 users
Yt-dl Addon for Windows
Allows user to quickly download Youtube video or audio using youtube-dl command-line program. THIS ADDON REQUIRE YT-DL INSTALLED TO WORK. Work only for windows.
44 users
Firefox add-on to get waifu images. Click on the extension icon to open the popup and press "New Waifu" to get an image of an anime girl. Information about the image, such as the source link, can be viewed by pressing the "Info" button.
44 users
Facility for providing camera functions such as capture.
44 users
youtubeからサムネイル画像を落とすソフトです。 Firefoxでyoutubeの動画ページを開いて、 ツールバーのアイコンをクリック。クリックすると 1280x720、640x480、480x360の画像がダウンロードされます。
44 users
waView, Beyond the web
Fast, offline image viewer built with WebAssembly technology. You can open 100 image formats including JPG, PNG, TIFF, JXR, RAW.
43 users
RateFlix Plus
Show IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, Kinopoisk, Kinorium, TMDB, Metacritic and Filmweb ratings on Netflix™
43 users
Video Frame extractor
This extension will try extracting any video's frame as a full image, no overlays, no screenshots.
43 users
Play All
Play all of a YouTube page's videos in one page
43 users
Reklamsız İzle
Dizi ve film sitelerindeki reklamları kaldırır
43 users
Open source extension that redirects YouTube videos/images to Piped without sending a bit to YouTube/Google.
43 users
Adds indicator of time left to end video on Youtube, taking into account playback speed and ad segments SponsorBlock.
43 users
Video Blocker
Blocks all videos on all websites. Most videos are prevented from loading. If the blocking of the request fails, they are only hidden.
43 users
Youtube tab playlist
Use your tab bar as a playlist for youtube videos!
43 users