Edit with Paint.Net
Adds a context menu item to send image links directly to <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/999757a908b7294c05ebea52b980d23955bcbb3791f07fe359dada1fdab38a8f/http%3A//Paint.Net">Paint.Net</a> photo editor
41 users
Movie Meter
Movie Meter will show you rating and popularity of a movie (or TV series) on many movie related pages!
41 users
YouTube Sort — Sort YouTube Video Tabs
Enhance your YouTube viewing experience, by sorting your open video tabs by various stats (title, channel name, upload date, view count, video duration).
41 users
2ch(<a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/5be6328f30eaea8b0658b8c2d68e9b9295443d16e54a9c53874e6043213684a3/http%3A//5ch.net" rel="nofollow">5ch.net</a>)のスレ上に貼られた画像を一括でダウンロードするソフトです。 <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/5be6328f30eaea8b0658b8c2d68e9b9295443d16e54a9c53874e6043213684a3/http%3A//5ch.net" rel="nofollow">5ch.net</a>、<a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/f59383de88681ec689044fb0e611cac7372e7eb0130192225d558c07a033a8f3/http%3A//open2ch.net" rel="nofollow">open2ch.net</a>、bbspink.comに対応してます。 画像をダウンロードしないで画像urlを表示する機能もあります。
41 users
Better DuckDuckGo Image Search
DuckDuckGo images are too small on their search gallery. This makes them bigger.
41 users
Netflix Helper
This Netflix extension control volume with the mouse wheel, and auto skip intro.
40 users
YouTube Filter
To keep updated about your concerned videos on Youtube by specific keywords provided.
40 users
Soundpiot - SoundCloud player
Adds a simple player to toolbar. You can use play, pause, next, previous and like commands, without been on a Soundcloud Tab
40 users
YouTube FrameSnap Pro
YouTube FrameSnap Pro is a cutting-edge browser extension tailored for photography enthusiasts, offering advanced tools for capturing stunning frames from YouTube videos. Elevate your photography skills and unleash your creativity.
40 users
Fix 1 minute problem in youtube
40 users
Смотрите видео и фиьмы одновременно вместе с друзьями по всему миру. Синхронное управление плеером, общий плейлист и живое общение
40 users
kukuluLIVE Notification
kukuluLIVE の放送開始をお知らせします。 kukuluLIVE で「お気に入り配信者」に追加している配信者が放送をはじめた場合、 ポップアップやサウンドでお知らせします。 アイコンバッジによって現在配信中の「お気に入り配信者」の人数を簡単に知ることができます。 プッシュで通知するためインストールしても定期的なアクセスは発生しません。 アドオンのアイコンを右クリックして「拡張機能を管理」からオプションを開くことができます。
40 users
Hide Mouse for HBO Max (for Firefox)
Hide the mouse while viewing a HBO Max video. A port of the Chrome extension by Nate Diven.
40 users
Surround Sound
A standalone extension that adds surround sound to your media.
40 users
Image Parser
Find and aggregate images on a page, allowing you to download images even from so-called "protected" pages.
40 users
Full Screen Video for Youtube and more
A plugin for making video player full screen size in YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion and some more video sites.
40 users
Video Color Inverter
Toggable button to invert color of videos. To reduce eyestrain induced by some videos with bright background.
40 users
Open with IINA
"Open with IINA" enables you to open audio and video content from the web with IINA, the fastest-growing open-source media player for macOS.
40 users
Only Images Dmtr.org
Removes anything from a webpage except images. Useful when you have an image blocked with another transparent image over, or some transparent div disallowing you of showing full image url.
40 users
Cloud Duplicate Finder
Remove duplicate data from GoogleDrive , Dropbox, OneDrive and Box via <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/2a6ac7d474da399c5ebc6651ad805b820f257fa38ade10f6445f6544341f584f/http%3A//cloudduplicatefinder.com" rel="nofollow">cloudduplicatefinder.com</a>
40 users
No AutoPlay YT Channel Page
Disable auto-play on YouTube channel page.
40 users
Image Forcer
Forces websites to return images of the correct type when requesting them.
40 users
Read World Newspapers Online
Read World Newspapers Online. In this addon you will be able to read all kinds of newspapers around the globe.
40 users
ニコニコ動画で特定の操作を追加するアドオンです。 再生速度変更、シークバー操作、動画上ダブルクリックでフルスクリーン 等の機能が追加されます。
40 users
Perceptual image analysis
Image forensics, that is testing images for presence of viewable irregularities.
39 users