Letterboxd Shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts for Letterboxd.
35 users
Youtube Playlist Manager
Create and manage Youtube playlists.
35 users
export your bookmarks, liked tweets and other stuff from twitter.
35 users
Crypto Tab
Replace the New Tab page with Bitcoin price chart.
35 users
Fügt einen WEITER und einen ZURÜCK Button an den Seiten von BurningSeries hinzu um schneller zwischen Episoden wechseln zu können.
35 users
Space bar for Bandcamp
Toggles play/pause in Bandcamp player via space bar
35 users
Reverse Youtube
Replacing Youtube playback window and right column
35 users
YouTube Watch Later
Add YouTube videos to your Watch Later playlist with a single click.
34 users
Open YouTube maxresdefault Thumbnail
No longer supports upgrade . Please see <a rel="nofollow" href="https://addons.mozilla.org/ru/firefox/addon/boost-youtube/">https://addons.mozilla.org/ru/firefox/addon/boost-youtube/</a>. On YouTube Player page, in address bar is adding icon. Click it and open new Tab with maxresdefault.jpg
34 users
Adds play back speed controls to Vimeo videos.
34 users
YouTube Reverse
Reverse YouTube videos thumbnail using Yandex engine.
34 users
"Offline ( Android ) video, media player. Gain booster, Time-seek and playback rate options. PDF support. Quick load your audio course and jump around in the files remaining time.", [mp4, wbem, aac, mp3, ogg, ...]
34 users
Проигрыватель FLAC для VK
Воспроизведение FLAC и WAV аудиофайлов в социальной сети <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/ab7c6998eb07f1e3a9e0a71716693ec9d61ed18b6603b14b15d836d122a7283b/http%3A//VK.COM" rel="nofollow">VK.COM</a>
34 users
Last Video 123movies
This plugin helps you to remember your last video watched in 123movies website. I am not related with this site or something else.
34 users
Watch your YouTube videos while scrolling through down the comment section.
34 users
Smart Tab Mute +
Fixed and enhanced version of "Smart Tab Mute" Ensures that only one tab plays audio at the same time and unmute the previously audio playing tab when one stops
34 users
Japscan Downloader
Ce module n'est plus mis à jour et contient des bugs. Veuillez utiliser <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/646e38ac478724f9c1c914a18511570f81eea17e1b17868469870d84becfc304/https%3A//github.com/Seysa/japdl%23readme" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/Seysa/japdl#readme</a> à présent. Ce module permettait de télécharger des mangas sur le site <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/0dceb6651d1826a4d545563999beb82f204be0d376cffbb32d895ca943a37aab/https%3A//japscan.se" rel="nofollow">https://japscan.se</a>.
34 users
Youtube Studio Bulk Draft Video Submitter
Youtube studio bulk draft video submitter automates the resolution of multiple videos from the draft to the published status, while allowing the user to select the visibility and appropriately mark the videos with "made for kids" flag if needed.
34 users
YouTube Playlist Creator
Create and share YouTube playlists without needing an account. Create playlists, add videos and change playback order, copy a link to the clipboard that can be shared with others or begin your list in a new tab. No need to have a YouTube account .
34 users
Netflix™ Extended
Edit from old Netflix™ Extended Extension for Netflix™ to skip intros, recaps, start next movie/episode in faster pace and many more.
34 users
Black Panther Wallpaper New Tab Theme
Custom new tab background theme with Black Panther wallpapers in every new tab easily
33 users
ruTorrent Remote
Manage your torrents fast-and-easy without the hassle of keeping a tab open just to check on them!
33 users
Cosmos Enhanced
Enhance cosmos podcast page
33 users
Faster Playback on YouTube
YouTube's < & > only go so far, let's have them go to infinity.
33 users