Take time-stamped YouTube notes.
56 users
Taobao Helper
Search Taobao items in browser directly
56 users
Letterboxd Streaming Providers
Adds a filter for streaming providers to Letterboxd.
56 users
Extra Danbooru functions: Dark mode, Instant preview/download links, Multi-tag search
55 users
VNDB Extender
Improves readability and automatically adds images and useful information to VNDB visual novel lists.
55 users
Summarize AI for Firefox
🌟 Summary: Summarize AI is an innovative tool designed to simplify your online reading experience. It intelligently summarizes articles and web pages.
55 users
Web Scraper
RSS, Atom Feed Reader & Web Crawler
55 users
Touch Navigate
Adds touch screen gesture navigation. Designed for use with 2-in-1 laptops.
55 users
This Plugins adds a Duck Duck go button to your google page and vice versa allowing for quick search engine swapping
55 users
Search Urban Dictionary
Search Urban Dictionary
54 users
GMX Suche Add-on für Ihren Browser
Setzt die Suche von GMX als Standardsuche.
54 users
SiteChecker - Free On-Page SEO Checker. Get Your SEO Score Now!
54 users
Adds a new page action that, when clicked, filters search to show only results prior to AI spam (Pre-2021). Currently Supported Engines: DuckDuckGo Google Search
54 users
Find in Tabs
Find text in all your open and active tabs
54 users
SERP Analyzer
Show IP Info & Country flag & domain owner. Adds a counter and domain owner next to search results to show it's ranking and name.
54 users
Page Notes
Take notes for web pages and access them with a single click whenever you visit those web pages again. (Syncs to Google Drive)
54 users
ChatGPT Deeplink
Allows using ChatGPT as a search engine from the address bar.
53 users
Query Magnet and ED2K links on the current page
53 users
Serwis wiedzy o lekach dla farmaceutów. Pozwala wyszukać dane niezbędne do ordynacji leków w ramach recepty farmaceutycznej oraz pro auctore i pro familia. Zawiera najnowsze wskazania, wskazania refundacyjne zgodne z Charakterystyką Produktu Lecznicz
53 users
It is easy to take pictures from other websites and send them to Yupoo. It is an official browser extension provided by Yupoo.
53 users
Google Translate Page
53 users
Bible Gateway search engine
Adds a search engine that searches <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
53 users
Official Vajehyab browser extension
53 users
Organise knowledge-rich-content from around the internet.
53 users
AlternativeTo Search
Use the context menu (right click) to search on AlternativeTo (<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>) any text from other websites.
52 users