search features image search through keywords like hashtags, etc. The purpose is to facilitate image search. Click on the add-on icon for its action.
47 users
Baidu AdBlocker - 百度药丸
47 users
Table of contents
See the list of all page headings, and jump to any with a click.
47 users
Hide w3schools on DuckDuckGo
Removes w3schools[dot]com links from DuckDuckGo search results
47 users
Google Search in English, Always
Google homepage and search in English.
47 users
Northwestern Libraries Search Assistant
Search Northwestern's collections, Google Scholar, or other libraries using WorldCat, without leaving your current page.
47 users
BangDD: DuckDuckGo bang buttons
Adds a google bang in the duckduckgo search as buttons
47 users
Scorifyer für Kleinanzeigen
Scorifyer hilft dir, mehr Übersicht in eBay Kleinanzeigen zu bekommen: Immobilien- und Gebrauchtwagenangebote werden für dich bewertet - du siehst die besten Angebote sofort. NEU: Unsere Bewertung gibt es jetzt für 55 weitere Produktkategorien!
47 users
Tempest Private Search
The Tempest Firefox Extension allows you to search in complete privacy from any device.
47 users
Tiger Suchmaschine
Dieses Add-on richtet Tiger als Ihre Standard Suchmaschine ein.
47 users
Location Bar Characters
Have trouble remembering the special characters that filter the location bar's results? ( ^ * + % ~ # @ ) Like when you want to search only in bookmarks, or history, or open tabs, etc.? With this add-on a reminder is only a click away.
47 users
Support Canadian
Highlights Canadian products & alternatives while you shop online—support local retailers seamlessly in your daily browsing
47 users
Next Task/Page
This extension displays the previous or next page by decrementing or incrementing the last number in URL Project Webpage: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Try it out in [jsfiddle](<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>)
46 users
Smart Redemptions
Smart Redemptions is a Firefox Add-on that displays the Avios points needed for flights searched on Google Flights.
46 users
This web extension is designed to help you search throughout the web in an extremely versatile manner where all you need to do is select a word and then right click to unveil all the searching options that has been provided by this web extension.
46 users
'View Image' Button
Restores the 'View Images' button when browsing images on Google Images.
46 users
Tumblr Archive
Fast link to Tumblr archive
46 users
PDF Converter
Convert your docx file into PDF.
46 users
Quick Map Search
Right click some selected text and use that for a secure search using Google Maps.
46 users
Zákony pro lidi
Z textových citací zákonů vytváří klikatelné odkazy na nejpoužívanější český právní systém "Zákony pro lidi".
46 users
Potok Extension
Расширение Potok позволяет моментально импортировать кандидатов с разных работных сайтов и соц. сетей (сейчас доступны - HeadHunter / SuperJob / МойКруг / Facebook / LinkedIn / GitHub и еще ряд федеральных и региональных сайтов).
46 users
Gruppenbestellungen, verbesserte Suche und automatische Gutscheine für Lieferando (<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>)
46 users
Enhancement of your browsing history
46 users
[Deprecated] autoConvert - you select, it converts
** DO NOT USE ** Converts selected values to other units - Metric or Imperial
46 users
ChatGPT History Search
GPTSearch: A revolutionary extension for ChatGPT, streamlining conversation history search for simplicity and efficiency.
45 users