Software Downloader for Windows & Linux
Software & program downloader to search & download applications integrated with OnWorks.
37 users
Calculator Search
With this addon, you can get instant answers to math queries as you type in the addressbar. Simply type "calc" and your math query. Supports order of operations! Limitations: does not support parenthesis notation, some more complex operations
37 users
Lukol - anonymous search engine
Adds Lukol as the default search engine in your browser.
37 users
Auto Click Login Button
Automatically clicks the login button every 5 seconds.
37 users
Check on VirusTotal
Simple addon to open selected text directly on VirusTotal search tab via Right-Click context menu.
37 users
Proxy & User-Agent Switcher
The Proxy & User-Agent Switcher extension helps to do geolocation-testing and mobile device-testing of any websites.
37 users
To-Do List extension
Manage your tasks with ease as you work!
37 users
Devol Librey
This extension makes the Librey instance hosted by Devol as the default search engine
37 users
Google Search Console Extended
Extends the new Google Search Console
37 users
Word search with
Search unknown words easily with just one click.
37 users
An add-ons allowing you to use a bunch of useful tools without leaving the page you're currently visiting
37 users
Github Search
To use, type 'github' plus your search term into the url bar.
37 users
Translator! extension is a must have add-on which makes your world easier to translate to multiple foreign languages. Ultralight Add-on | 5.5kb
37 users
Find Free Photos
The Find Free Photos Firefox Extensions let's you quickly search some of the internet's legal sources for free, high quality, royalty free photos.
37 users
ChatGPT Query
The extension adds the ability to query ChatGPT outside of the website automatically via links with the GET parameter named 'q'.
37 users
Qwant Search Engine (same tab)
Qwant as default search engine opening all links in same tab
37 users
Finds a server with a certain amount of players. Simply type the number of players you wish a server to have and press join, if it does not find a server with the specified amount of players it will display "None Found"
37 users
Get delicious and easy recipes, including healthy appetizers, entrees, and desserts, with this browser New Tab extension.
36 users
Nuke Launcher
Nuke Launcher allows you to launch easily your preferred nukes (hentai manga) from selected sources.
36 users
DOI Resolver
Quickly resolve digital object identifiers to their web destinations
36 users
Song Instrumental Extractor
Extract Instrumentals from music or sound files.
36 users
Navigate UP
Go to upper level of the URL
36 users
Vinyloscope for Discogs
Automatic search of a Discogs'release on websites like Juno, Boomkat, <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>, Phonica, Kompakt...
36 users
Subtitle Translator Netflix
Cette extension a pour but de faciliter l'apprentissage d'une langue avec les films et séries.
36 users
Einfacher Zugang zum Glossar von Wein-Plus, dem größten Weinlexikon der Welt. Nur für Mitglieder von Wein-Plus. Alle anderen sehen nur eine verkürzte Begriffsbeschreibung.
36 users