Unlimited Telegram Proxy List
Telegram Mtproto Proxy List Firefox Extension!
35 users
Mirai Translate for yadatta
Mirai Translate for Yet another dictionary look up and text translator add-on.
34 users
Faites des recherches sur Allociné plus simplement
34 users
amagone - remove amazon from search results
Removes amazon from search results
34 users
Google Dork Builder+
Easily create your queries with google operators from the sidebar, by selecting text from the context menu or use <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/2abd2ffcaa8d9ec2c19444dad4fd5fbf6edaaaf71fbd3e055a2e736ac348b301/http%3A//exploit-db.com" rel="nofollow">exploit-db.com</a> Modified version of <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/0d288659a2f8196372795860da81966f103416ce82670cff835c46d983574df3/https%3A//github.com/KernelPan1k/google-dork-builder" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/KernelPan1k/google-dork-builder</a> under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE v3.
34 users
AMZ Prime Filter
Use AMZ Prime Filter to hide Prime items from your Amazon browsing.
34 users
Nyaa Linker
Adds a button to Anime and Manga database websites that opens a relevant Nyaa search
34 users
ChatGpt Paint - 支持超过100+绘画艺术风格,边聊边画 - ChatPaint
ChatPaint是一款基于ChatGPT 4开发的智能绘画助手,支持超过100种绘画艺术风格,采用人机对话的方式,逐步生成创意作品。无论你是学生、平面设计师、插画设计师、广告设计师、UI设计师、前端程序员、产品经理、包装设计、ICON&字体制作,都可以利用ChatPaint释放你的创造力和生产力。
34 users
Refresh a web page on a chosen interval.
34 users
YouTube Reverse
Reverse YouTube videos thumbnail using Yandex engine.
34 users
Longdo Dict Add-on
Look up word meanings from Longdo Dict online dictionary service. English/Japanese/Chinese/German/French and other languages to Thai dictionaries. ค้นหาคำศัพท์จากบริการพจนานุกรม Longdo Dict
34 users
Use omnibox to quickly and conveniently search subreddits
34 users
Youtube Shorts Auto Play
Automatically plays the next video when you finish a youtube short
34 users
Alipic.net - assistant for Aliexpress
- Estimate sellers and the quality of goods on Aliexpress. - View photos of goods from buyers. - Coupons, discounts for all categories of goods. - Photos of girls in underwear and swimsuits. - Tops and ratings of sellers and goods.
34 users
OZZI: IOC Search
Use this extension to analyze IOCs using various freeware OSINT sites.
34 users
Cashback Ranking Brasil
Compare as melhores taxas de cashback em lojas brasileiras
34 users
ZIK booster
ZIK Booster is a free Firefox Extension that helps ZIK users check the competition level of items and avoid listing VeRO products.
33 users
Article Galaxy Browser Extension
With a single click of a button, buy, access, or rent any scientific document directly from your search results with a shopping-cart like user experience on PubMed, Google Scholar and more than 80 other scholarly literature sites.
33 users
Fastest Advertisement Blocker
This extension blocks all advertisements.
33 users
Faster Playback on YouTube
YouTube's < & > only go so far, let's have them go to infinity.
33 users
Roblox Docs Search
Search the Roblox Creator Docs
33 users
探索者小舒 - 强大快捷的侧栏搜索切换工具
33 users
Email finder by soujiyi.com
A free extension that helps users to get email, contacts, phone and social accounts of search results on browsing website, collect them into Soujiyi CRM system. With EDM and CRM, it provides a solution from leads collection, marketing to managemet.
33 users
YouControl - перевірка контрагентів
YouControl - Аналітична система для ділової розвідки та перевірки контрагентів України. Формує досьє на кожну компанію України на основі відкритих даних, відстежує зміни в держреєстрах та візуалізує зв’язки між афілійованими особами.
33 users
Devol SearXNG
This extension makes the SearXNG instance hosted by Devol as the default search engine
33 users