Baremetal new tab extension provides user the ability to customize and personalize Firefox's theme and new tab page. It also, optionally, provides the ability to access system level Apis in the browser script uploaded by the user.
5 users
Table To Text
One click table to CSV, JSON or other formats.
5 users
View Github Issues&PRs
Adds a shortcut button to a user's Github profile page to view the issues and pull requests posted by that user.
5 users
Autocomplete User&Pass ONT/MODEM.
Auto completa user y password en diferentes modems/onts/onus, de diferentes modelos(Hitron, Arris, Huawei, etc) para que el usuario no tenga que escribir el usuario y password cada vez que deseen ingresen.
5 users
Netflix Viewing Activity
This open-source extension automatically retrieves your Netflix viewing activity in JSON or CSV format.
4 users
Genea Ancestry Add to Tree AutoClick
Automatically checks or unchecks all checkboxes when adding new information or people to your Ancestry family trees.
4 users
Discord Quiet - Mute All Servers
Automatically mute and unmute all your Discord servers with a single click.
4 users
Instantly generate a Wikipedia citation template for the current website.
4 users
Hide Puretech
Hide Puretech motors from car listing on La Centrale, AramisAuto and LeBonCoin
4 users
4 users
4 users
JutSuper - autoskip on
Skip openings and endings on automatically
4 users
✨Spell – save & recall all your AI prompts
Effortlessly save & recall your ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion, Lexica and other AI prompts with shortcuts & search.
4 users
YT Don't Recommend Button
Adds a custom button to YouTube video cards to block channels.Adds a custom button to YouTube video cards to block unwanted channels from recommendations
4 users
Copy code without prompts
Copy the code from the code blocks on github by clicking copy button without console prompts like as $,#,>
4 users
Useful Bookmarklets
Useful Bookmarklets is a tiny little extension that groups many bookmarklets together in a single button and only displays the ones you need based on the website you're currently visiting.
4 users
eScriptorium Segmonto Checker
A live-checker for checking the compliancy of your data on eScriptorium with SegmOnto vocabularies.
4 users
Sokker JSON data exporter
This extension helps <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> authenticated users to get JSON data so it can be used to improve the management of your team.
4 users
Watch memes on the go, while surfing web.
4 users
Fatamorgana Plus
Integration of Fatamorgana with Myhordes website. Features: - Highlight the next move on Myhordes, by selecting the expedition route on FataMorgana.
4 users
HEAD Examiner
Extracts metadata from each page's HEAD, and makes it available to other add-ons, so they don't have to scan each page themselves
4 users
Plex Name Generator
Generate a name according to the Plex naming convention
4 users
Force Serif Font Temporarily
Force current web to use serif font
4 users
Color Picker Tool
Grab an element's background color and text color from a webpage
4 users
CSP B Gone
Check the CSP of the current website against a list of known bypasses.
4 users