Salesforce Status Helper
Salesforce Status Helper will help keep you logged into Omni-Channel for when those unexpected disconnects occur without warning.
4 users
Enhance Your Twitter Spaces Experience - Mute trolls or speakers with bad mics.
4 users
Web Traffic Exchange
Official WebTraffic.Exchange autoSurf extension - Helps to do surf others website automatically and earn points by viewing others websites.
4 users
Tab queue
Add links to queue and open them progressively
4 users
Trainlog Utilities
A extension that allows to import full trips with one click
4 users
Improves usability of certain elements in TeamDynamix.
3 users
Bark Watchdog for Firefox
Monitor Firefox web browsing for inappropriate content and for removal of primary application.
3 users
nothx - Better Twitter/X
This extension allows you to hide unwanted tweets and comments including but not limited to OnlyFans/Sexual content and content unrelated to original post. Get better and cleaner Twitter/X browsing experience.
3 users
Read aloud text with Mycroft's mimic
3 users
Der "Vodafon Station" Kabelrouter hat einen ziemlich nervigen Software Fehler. Das Popup um das WLAN Kennwort zu ändern hat einen fehlerhaften "Passwortstärke Check"... Dieses Addon löst das Problem!
3 users
Competitive programming problem solving assistant using ChatGPT.
3 users
SideMarks 是一个专为 Firefox 设计的侧边栏书签管理器扩展,它提供了一个简洁、优雅且功能丰富的界面来管理您的书签。
3 users
Page Title Copy
Adds context menu items which copy the active tab title to the clipboard.
3 users
GeoGuessr challange mode helper
Useable in GeoGuessr challange mode. Adds buttons at the top to help analyze the results.
3 users
Pistes dinàmiques per el paraulògic
3 users
QR Sharer
QR share is a quick add on to convert the link on your computer into qr code so you can scan it with your phone and visit the same on phone. It is useful in case when you are not using your computer or not logged to the browser.
3 users
3 users
Redirects you to a TMKOC search with a random episode number so you don't have to decide what episode to choose.
3 users
IOC Checker
Open highlighted IOCs in AbuseIPDB, VirusTotal, ThreatFox, URLhaus, MalwareBazaar, or custom set URLs. The addon also contains a local datastore for listing the queried IOCs.
3 users
SuperEmotes lets you upload and add public emotes to your personal emote inventory (we call theme "slots") that people can now use on your channel live chat and comments. We also let you see video tags and use themes for live chat.
3 users
A progressive Extension for Technical SEO Needs. All tools will be incorporated soon for full SEO Audit of any website.
3 users
UA Switcher
User Agent Switcher 是一款强大的工具,可帮助用户模拟不同设备访问网站,同时助力开发者测试 Bot 屏蔽与爬虫爬取状态,轻松掌握网站兼容性与安全性。
3 users
HTML from Clipboard
Open clipboard text as an HTML file.
3 users
Adds menu action (right click) to generic UI elements (Select/tick all, reverse ticks)
3 users
Google Cleaner
Declutter, focus on most used actions, collapses seldom used ones, easier title scanning.
3 users