Rated 5 out of 5 stars

First thanks for this very usefull add-on. But I've a very strange problem. The url inserted in the mail are begining with http instead of https. The upload of the file works well and if I manually had the "s" to the url it works. Any idea ?

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (1.2). 


I'm glad you find it useful.

The URL to the shared file is based on the URL introduced when you configure the addon. If you have a default ajaxplorer installation and you can upload files via http you should be able download them via http.

Could you have changed the 'Download URL' setting (Settings->Global Configurations->Core Configs->AjaXplorerCore->Sharing) to another value diferent from default?

I hope I have helped you. If the problem persists you can contact me at: [email protected].
