Reviews for Save Screenshot
Save Screenshot by Manuel Reimer
12 reviews
Developer response
posted 7 months agoA screenshot is a raster image. And for this PNG and JPEG are the formats to go.
For proper PDF archiving, I recommend you going over the print dialog or use the "Print Edit WE" extension.- Rated 4 out of 5by CodeIcannot, a year agoSimple and effective. My only gripes would be that it doesn't work on all sites (for example, and I sometimes wish for more robust controls, like the ability to screenshot from the current viewport upwards.
- Rated 4 out of 5by Tutenstein, a year agoI am currently using this on Firefox Nightly Android. I love it but it doesn't work properly on large pages as the dialogue box for download never appears and selection download doesn't work as well.
Developer response
posted a year agoThe dialogue box should open in a new empty view. So should not interfere with the page you are viewing. The selection for capturing a selected region was badly visible on "dark theme" websites. A fix for this is on its way.
BUT again: This is not the right place for this. In future, PLEASE use the provided GitHub link to create an issue. This also allows proper discussion. - Rated 4 out of 5by Seedypoet, 2 years agoWhile it does seem to work well, I was unable to get the icon to appear on any of my toolbars on separate computers. And with no hotkey, if you are screen-shooting a few tabs at a time, it's not any more convenient than clicking through the Firefox screenshot option. The only advantage seems to be the "full page" feature which most people would probably use the fewest amount of times.
Addendum: I was planning on changing this review today, as I reviewed other add-ons I also started using yesterday. Then I saw the developer response, and thought I should hurry before they get any more irate.
I did know about the "pin to toolbar" option for the add-ons. However, when I first tried it, the icon still did not show up on the toolbar. It wasn't until later that I noticed that others weren't showing up either after trying to pin them. So, I removed those add-ons and reinstalled them. Then it worked. This was a brand new profile, so maybe some bug or something that came with an update? I don't know.
As for the shortcut key, I also noticed that the keys for this add-on was in conflict with another key, which I thought was the problem. But after removing the conflict - and then reinstalling the add-on - it still doesn't work. Another bug? I don't know. In any case, I raised my rating to four stars since, as discovered, this was obviously issues with Firefox itself and not just the add-on.Developer response
posted 2 years agoThat's just Mozilla completely killing any usability in their UI. Business as usual...
The icon no longer appears automatically. You have to click this silly puzzle piece button in your toolbar, scroll down to "Save Screenshot", click the gear icon, there and choose "Pin to Toolbar". Mozilla has been told by many users in several Bug reports that this needs improvement, but Mozilla doesn't care...
For hotkeys, you have to use the Mozilla built-in hotkey editor. In "about:addons", click the upper right "gear icon" and choose "Manage Extension Shortcuts".
And in future, please ask your questions on GitHub. Thanks. - Rated 4 out of 5by BWhitcomb, 2 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Usuário FF 17151627, 3 years agoExtensão boa para Firefox de Desktop e que pode ser instalada no Firefox para Android. Á de melhorar a interface para se adequar a resolução de tela do navegador na versão Android e corrigir bugs das funções de captura parcial e completa do site quando se marca a opção de 'mostrar a notificação de conclusão da captura' fazendo com que a captura não funcione.
Atualização 11/03/2022
Muito obrigado por ver meu comentário 👍. O visual da resolução da extensão ficou muito boa, além das funções de captura estarem funcionando bem no Firefox para Android. Tomara que logo esta extensão entre no catálogo da AMO para Android. E que você desenvolvedor, continue assim se empenhando sempre, saúde e paz para todos nós. 😄✌️Developer response
posted 3 years agoThe latest version has been reworked to have better Android support. Please check again. - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 17130328, 3 years agoComplimenti, un programma intuitivo ed efficace; se ci fosse lo Scrolling Screenshot sarebbe perfetto.
Developer response
posted 3 years agoFor most pages "full page screenshots" work. It only fails for pages where the "body" is not the scrolling element.
For such pages it would be needed to add special handling. If you regularly need screenshots from a problematic page, then please open an Issue on GitHub. But in English langauge, please ;) - Rated 4 out of 5by anonymoose, 5 years agoI just installed and have only used once to copy a full page to clipboard - but it worked like a charm! No scrolling, just click the icon, choose what type of grab you want, presto, done. If it works this well once I've used it more and with different types of grabs, I'll certainly come back and give it five stars and a rave review.
Thank you for creating this! - Rated 4 out of 5by Tanfox, 5 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13532064, 7 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by aomorikuma, 7 years ago素晴らしい!!! 私の求めていたものはこれだ!!!
[ワンクリック] → [既定のソフトで開く] or [保存] の簡単操作!!
こういう説明不要。 何も考えずに使える簡単なAddonがベスト!
ただ、以前使用していた Perl Crescent Page Saver がScreen shotの保存先を任意に設定できたので便利でした。そのアドオンは、現バージョンのFirefoxには未対応で、同作者の後継アドオンは以前より使いにくくなったので、こちらを使用しています。Developer response
posted 7 years agoThank you for your feedback.
The way, how screenshots are saved, depend on your configuration.
If you set the addon options to "display save as dialog", then this will always open in the "Downloads" directory. This is an API limitation! No way for me to change that!
If you keep the addon default setting to "offer to open the file", then you may configure your Firefox to "always ask for downloads". In this configuration, Firefox actually remembers the last used directory.