Reviews for AdBlock for Firefox
AdBlock for Firefox by AdBlock
403 reviews
- Rated 1 out of 5by Firefox user 13332202, 7 years ago
- Rated 1 out of 5by Firefox user 13330458, 7 years ago
- Rated 1 out of 5by diego6, 7 years agoużywam tego "adblocka" ponad dwa miesiące i jest zupełnie nieedukowalny. Ani sam z siebie nie blokuje reklam, ani też zdefiniowany ręcznie nie radzi sobie zupełnie - to jakiś zwykły BADZIEW!
Na starym kompie mam jeszcze prawdziwego Adblocka i tam nadal działa jak złoto - a to nie robi nic poza obciążaniem przeglądarki. Próbowałem definicje lajtowe ale ustawienie trwa 60 sekund a po odświeżeniu ramek na hardkorze też nie spełnia zadań. nie mam zamiaru płacić za Gigabajty reklam na GPRS i ratował mnie przed tym stary adblock - pora znaleźć alternatywę mimo lat zadowolenia. - Rated 1 out of 5by Firefox user 13316458, 7 years agoLo primero que hace la aplicación al instalarse, es abrir una nueva ventana y pedirte dinero, sin haber podido probarla primero. Después de haberla probado durante una semana, la aplicación no ha funcionado ni una sóla vez: Permite todos los anuncios y no bloquea ninguno... Instalar esto es como no instalar nada...
- Rated 1 out of 5by Don Marti, 7 years agoThis add-on participates in a "paid whitelisting" scheme called "Acceptable Ads", and allows some privacy-violating ads to reach users.
The "Acceptable Ads" scheme does not have any standards for privacy, security, or malware. You have safer and more effective choices. - Rated 1 out of 5by chris p, 7 years ago
- Rated 1 out of 5by Firefox user 13066403, 8 years agoИспортилась программа. Не блокирует даже половины того, что раньше блокировала.
- Rated 1 out of 5by GaryTk, 8 years agoIt will not install of update in Nightly 57 fix it or remove it
Developer response
posted 8 years agoHi! We found an issue with our build. It's been fixed now. Please try again and let us know if you're still having trouble. Thanks!
- Rhana, AdBlock Community Manager - Rated 1 out of 5by Xavier Novella Sinde, 8 years agoCan't add to FireFox 55.0.3 (64 bits). File reported as Corrupt.
Developer response
posted 8 years agoYup, oops, we missed a build error. Sorry about that! Please try again and let us know if you continue to have trouble. Thanks!
- Rhana, AdBlock Community Manager Developer response
posted 8 years agoHi! That's our bad. We found an issue with our build. It's been fixed now. Please try again and let us know if you're still having trouble. Thanks!
- Rhana, AdBlock Community Manager- Rated 1 out of 5by Firefox user 13272348, 8 years agoIt sends you directly to webpage where they require you to pay.
This is not the adblock I was looking for.Developer response
posted 8 years agoHello,
You are not required to pay to use AdBlock. The page you mentioned is a page where we ask for donations. It is not a requirement, and most people use AdBlock for free, which you are welcome to do as well.
Have a great day.
The AdBlock Team Developer response
posted 8 years agoThanks for your feedback! By "not the original," do you mean that this version of AdBlock for Firefox isn't the same one that was in the Mozilla Add-ons Store a while back? That's true. When Firefox introduced its new Web Extensions API that required all add-ons to adapt or die, we rewrote AdBlock from the ground up. It's now faster and more importantly, complies with Mozilla's required standard.
If you're still seeing ads after installing AdBlock, we have some suggestions here:
Rhana, AdBlock Community Manager- Rated 1 out of 5by Firefox user 13266802, 8 years ago
- Rated 1 out of 5by WinDoz, 8 years agoДовольно неудачная разновидность дополнения для блокировки рекламы. Мало того что оно стабильно пропускает баннеры определенных рекламных агентств (несмотря на то что в настройках функция "Разрешить некоторую ненавязчивую рекламу" отключена) , так еще периодически ломает скрипты на некоторых сайтах. Также дополнение не умеет блокировать рекламу по URL (точнее глубоко в настройках есть такая возможность, но она реализована очень неудобно), вместо этого оно предлагает вручную заблокировать отдельные рекламные блоки, что не особо то и помогает.
Developer response
posted 8 years agoThanks for your feedback! Ads on Russian and Ukrainian websites are extremely difficult to block using a browser ad blocker. For a workaround, please see:
Here are some things you can check if you're seeing ads elsewhere:
- Rhana, AdBlock Community Manager - Rated 1 out of 5by Firefox user 13258570, 8 years agoFirefox 55 seemed to disable ublock so tried this so called most popular chrome blocker and it completely fails to block many ads including on finished pages on ebay despite going through the steps they make you do.
Ublock does without even trying so after trying to reinstall Ublock is king again
Won't bother with this rubbish again - Rated 1 out of 5by PVX, 8 years agoThe core principle behind an ad-blocking program is that it should block the advertisements displayed or played on the page. However, when certain ads get through, it indicates either a faulty product or that this is yet another ad-blocker that is allowing certain "paying advertisers" through.
In summation, why would you want to use something that may not actually do what you want it to do?Developer response
posted 8 years agoHi PVX,
There's a major effort underway to find other ways than advertising to keep websites in business. But since most people don't pay for subscriptions and Patreon and Flattr aren't yet in wide use, ads are it until something better comes along.
To your first point, some other ad blockers adopt a "take no prisoners" approach to ad blocking. They block more ads, but their methods often break websites. From a user experience perspective, it could be argued that that's a faulty product. :) In contrast, we try to find a balance between sustaining the web we all love and providing a good user experience. The vast majority of our users agree with this approach.
To your second point, we do include the Acceptable Ads program as a filter list in AdBlock. We give users the opportunity to disable it with one click when they install AdBlock, and it can also easily be disabled in AdBlock's options. Why do we make it opt-out? Well, it goes back to that balancing act again.
All that said, we understand that there are folks who just don't want to see ads, no ifs, ands, or buts. We're okay with that. Other ad blockers will probably meet their needs better, and we're okay with that, too. :)
Thanks for giving AdBlock a try!
Rhana Cassidy
AdBlock Community Manager - Rated 1 out of 5by Drake, 8 years agoI think companies pay the developer of this app to get whitelisted.
Developer response
posted 8 years agoHi Drake,
You're thinking of Adblock Plus (ABP), an unrelated product developed by a different company.
ABP started the Acceptable Ads program a few years ago. It includes a whitelist that large companies can pay to join as long as their ads meet the criteria for non-intrusive advertising. (Their fees subsidize smaller companies, which can join the whitelist for free, again as long as their ads meet the criteria). AdBlock agreed to participate in the program when ABP agreed to move control of the whitelist to an independent board, which they did earlier this year.
Unlike other ad blockers, AdBlock and ABP don't take a "scorched earth" approach to blocking ads. The web simply isn't sustainable under that model. It's a balancing act, and we find that most folks don't mind seeing a few unobtrusive ads that help to pay for content they like.
Rhana Cassidy
AdBlock Community Manager - Rated 1 out of 5by Firefox user 13201352, 8 years agoeither doesnt work or lets ads through knowingly even after i manually blacklisted them
Developer response
posted 8 years agoHi star_weaver,
Please try disabling "Allow some non-intrusive advertising" in AdBlock's options. If that doesn't help, here are some additional things to check:
If the troubleshooting steps in that article don't help, please use our "Report an ad" feature on the page where you're seeing ads. Thanks!
- Rhana, AdBlock Community Manager - Rated 1 out of 5by Norm, 8 years ago
- Rated 1 out of 5by azad singh rathore, 8 years ago
- Rated 1 out of 5by Firefox user 13106528, 8 years ago