Reviews for Cute Save Button
Cute Save Button by Deil
19 reviews
- Rated 4 out of 5by Tag, 8 months agoHas been working great for a long time, but recently stopped saving full sized images from twitter previews. You always have to open the full image before it works now.
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 18420576, 10 months ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Kadircan Ersahin, 2 years agoall files named as "v2", how to save images with original file names?
- Rated 4 out of 5by Painless, 3 years agoCan you add a "Top Middle" option for the button position as the many sites have overlays in the corners, these overlays also mess with the "place button under cursor" so having more options of placement would be ideal.
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13866327, 4 years agoGreat extension! But there is one problem: when used in private mode, the global history will somehow record the image link.
- Rated 4 out of 5by Looukas, 4 years agoVery useful, but it breaks some websites where there's a click-too-zoom magnifying glass function. The image display will break and stay the same size in the corner instead of zooming in
- Rated 4 out of 5by Arnau, 5 years agoI have been enjoying this extension for a while now and it's great! I just wanted to know if there could be anyway to make it work in the following page:
Edit - Answer: Indeed that was it! I had no idea it was happening because of the logo size! Awesome! I am ecstatic. Thank you!Developer response
posted 5 years agoIf you're talking about the dog face itself, then you just have to change "minimum image width" option, the default value is 256px so it ignores anything smaller than that, while the picture you linked is 160x160.
Or you can just hold Shift while hovering your mouse over that picture, it ignores the size completely that way. - Rated 4 out of 5by Penta, 5 years agoMe encanta y era imprescindible para mí.
Pero de hace unas actualizaciones del navegador, a veces el botón no se muestra sobre las imágenes, y a veces no descarga las imagenes, hay que insistir o recargar la web. - Rated 4 out of 5by linux.redneck, 5 years agoРасширение очень хорошее, автор постарался. Но у меня не всегда сохраняются webm/mp4 с Не знаю, с чем это связано. Но если нажать на имя файла (и как бы видео откроется в новой вкладке), то все сохранится
- Rated 4 out of 5by Lionel, 5 years agoWorks well, except for small images embedded in links, and on heavily-scripted sites that seem to stymie every saver extension. Having to press the Space Bar is a bit counter-intuitive, but easy enough to do.
Developer response
posted 5 years agoThanks for the feedback. You can bind another hotkey you like in the options. - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 15297977, 5 years agoI really like this app, but since the latest update on 9/22 it has completely stopped working on Firefox. The button no longer appears when I hover over photos.
Edit: No, the button doesn't appear on either one of them.
Edit: Reupping it worked, but I think the issue is with your under cursor option. It doesn't work when you have the under cursor option checked. But works when it's off.Developer response
posted 5 years agoCould you please check if the button appears on any of these:
I know I'm telling this every time, but try deleting and installing this extension again.
I'm gonna make proper settings reset/import/export functions in next update, so it probably would be much easier to debug problems like this one. But for now reinstalling would be the fastest solution.
Never thought someone uses this mode, as it said, it's experimental. Thanks for letting me know, will try to fix this option soon. - Rated 4 out of 5by Akilrajas, 6 years agoНе могу определится между этим дополнением и "[BETA] Double-click Image Downloader". Double-click сохраняет картинки двойным кликом и уже сохранённые делает приглушённым цветом, дабы сразу было видно, какие сохранены, а какие нет. Cute Save Button в свою очередь умеет добавлять расширение .jpg к картинкам, которые на сайте вообще расширения не имеют (например Нужно чтобы кто-то из разработчиков этих дополнений перенял идеи другого, тогда будет идеально. А так.... не могу определится.
Developer response
posted 6 years ago"уже сохранённые делает приглушённым цветом"
Это можно. Под опцию. Сорт оф. Бегать по всей странице и перекрашивать все картинки я точно не буду, а вот под курсором чтобы картинка или даже сама кнопка как-то окрашивалась, если уже сохранялась, это можно сделать. - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 14313326, 6 years agoI've been looking for something like this for ages! Thank you so much!
I'm having a little trouble with setting hot keys so that saves go to different folders within Downloads though...the save will go into that set folder, but a duplicate also saves in the default 'Save to' location. Do you know why this might be/how I could fix it?Developer response
posted 6 years agoMaybe I messed up with how these folders are saved in settings, had to redo it few times.
The easiest would probably be to completely uninstall the extension, so it would delete all settings, and then installing it again. Or try "Reset all" button, maybe even that would be enough.
I'll re-check everything, maybe missed some bug. Thanks for the feedback. - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13619763, 7 years agoVery useful, but like somebody said earlier, it would be much, much better if you could enable it to remember last specific folder instead of saving in "downloads" folder only.
Developer response
posted 7 years agoI'd like to do that, but it's impossible with current Downloads API. I can't save files to any folder outside of your default save folder, and I can't open "Save As" dialog in your last saved folder because it might be outside of it as well.
And even IF we're talking only about the folders inside the default save path, which there's no way of knowing, it would only be possible with some really dirty hacks.
They're talking about possible "useLastDir" option, that's exactly what you want. I'll add this feature the moment Mozilla implement it.
Thanks for the feedback. Developer response
posted 7 years agoReally sorry about that, just uploaded the new version, it should work again. Thanks for letting me know.- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13952723, 7 years agoLove it except the prevents duplicates option only works if you just saved something.
If you restart or already had a image it downloads it and adds a (1) to the end.Developer response
posted 7 years agoThanks.
That's how it works now. Firefox Extensions don't have access to your local files. If you saved the file recently, I can be sure if it's a duplicate, but for your old files, the most I can say is if the file with this filename already existed, which is not enough, because some pages might have different pictures with the same filename, something like "image.jpg". Or some "1.jpg" file would prevent you from downloading another completely different file with this name. - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 12887653, 7 years agoI am using it. attachment.php,Can not get the name?
For example
Thank you for your cooperation in advance.Developer response
posted 7 years agoIt still happens sometimes. Please give me an example and I'll try to fix it.
Thanks for the link, I'll fix that in the next version. - Rated 4 out of 5by css0101, 7 years agoExcellent extension. Very convenient. Before that, I used Image Toolbar. Of course, it is more convenient. Because it knows how to ask where to save an image, can copy the link to the image and show information about the image. I would very much like to see in your extension a standard dialog for saving the image. But even without this, your extension is.
Developer response
posted 7 years ago>standard dialog for saving the image
Sure, no problem. In next version.
added in 0.4.9 - Rated 4 out of 5by A Pizza, 8 years agoDis be cool and kawaii thnx
Helps a lot cos when i go on pic finding sprees it hurts my hand and eyes to press all those lil buttons to save.