Reviews for Easy Image Blocker
Easy Image Blocker by Akira Atsumi
Review by Firefox user 13319883
Rated 4 out of 5
by Firefox user 13319883, 7 years agoWorks well so far! I just don't understand how whitelisting works (especially on Android). I think it is broken to some degree.
For example, I might want to unblock all images for "" while blocking everything else. I have this site added to my list (the unblock all images category). However, if I reload the extension (so it goes back to 'block everything' mode), is now blocked. It appears that things in my whitelist are being overwritten and I don't understand why. I hope this bug can be fixed soon! It would be nice to see images on certain sites.
For example, I might want to unblock all images for "" while blocking everything else. I have this site added to my list (the unblock all images category). However, if I reload the extension (so it goes back to 'block everything' mode), is now blocked. It appears that things in my whitelist are being overwritten and I don't understand why. I hope this bug can be fixed soon! It would be nice to see images on certain sites.
52 reviews
- Rated 5 out of 5by 天灭中共退党团队保平安, 16 days ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by jokenngo, 3 years agoSo nice extension!
We can select to block/unblock images per site, when configuring default behavior is to load all images(it may be like to work the blacklist).
At now, If you want to edit whitelist, then you should to export and edit it, and re-import whitelist data at extension's option page.
If this extension satisfy bellow specification, then will be 5 star.
1. The whitelist is editable on extension's popup window.
2. The source code is readable and tracking issues at github.
By the way, Does this extension stopped development? - Rated 5 out of 5by Amr, 3 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 12272405, 3 years agoGreat add-on, very easy to use. I would give it 5 starts if it had a blacklist feature instead of just a whitelist.
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 14088427, 5 years agoThe preference is not saved. I changed it to load all images on start, and clicked the Apply button but the setting is not persisted.
- Rated 3 out of 5by ヒューイ・ダック, 6 years ago①前回Firefox終了時には〇で終了したのに、
②起動時に登録しておいたリストが消えている事が多々あります。 - Rated 1 out of 5by Alek Lunhaj Tanir, 6 years agoDeveloper response replied its have been solved in version 3.1.5 , but system is totally 70% unable. Settings space shows as blank, listed urls can not be removed. Default behaves for block, but after white listed? Such addons actually annoys too much. Please remake it properly while its caused storing out- inappropriate to language.
- Rated 3 out of 5by Firefox user 14978076, 6 years agoit's not allways work, i use 66.05 32 bytes
i tested on, the image from folders not load correctly
i put whitelist, change load all images, and still not workDeveloper response
posted 6 years agoThis add-on watch the image tag in the HTML.
Unfortunately, It can not control pages that are dynamically loaded with JavaScript. - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 14972963, 6 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 14887011, 6 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 14560973, 6 years ago1. Before installation, it is shown as "Easy Image Blocker" (better English wording). After installation, it is shown as "EasyImageBlocker".
2. When you hover on the icon in the toolbar, it says "Load all images" or "All block (ctrl+click then modeup)". In fact, it is better to say "Easy Image Blocker" (name of the Add-On). In English, what does "ctrl+click then modeup" mean?
3. UPDATE: The following operation has no effect:
(1) Use the toolbar icon to change the load mode (from "load all images" to "load no images" or the reverse);
(2) Close Firefox;
(3) Open Firefox.
However, a workaround is the following:
(1) Use the toolbar icon to change the load mode;
(2) Do "Open New Window";
(3) Close Firefox;
(4) Open Firefox.
CONCLUSION: So it seems that the load mode is not save automatically. You have to do "Open New Window".Developer response
posted 6 years agoThank you for your suggestions. I fixed some issues on 3.1.5.
1 -> Corrected the title wording.
2 -> Changed to display "Easy Image Blocker" for all icons in the toolbar.
3 -> Sorry, I could not reproduce.
The default load mode can be saved on the add-on option screen. - Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 14535684, 6 years agoThank you so much. I have had enough of seeing people's profile pictures and video thumbnails which is often disturbing and offensive. I am sick of this dark-web culture invading the public internet as if its totally acceptable to be a morally void creature posting things that shouldn't be on a public page. I can now enjoy Youtube without that trash that floats on the trending page and the "Recommended for me" suggested videos that are often inappropriate and not even what I want. I immediately trusted you when I found out you are Japanese and installed this. I know you are not selling people's data to advertisers and trackers because I know Asian culture how they are honest and sincere. Honor and the family name mean a lot in Japan which separates the East and West. American culture has no consideration to the words honor or honesty, all they think about is deceit and profit. I respect the Japanese people a lot for their honesty.
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13492478, 6 years ago
- Rated 1 out of 5by Firefox user 14371865, 6 years agoSometimes isnt working and sometimes is block my images in no resion...
- Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 14338974, 6 years ago
- Rated 3 out of 5by Firefox user 14177758, 7 years agoпроверил на гугл мейл, блокировка работает, но выборочный показ не работает. мне пришлось отключить это дополнение, чтобы гугл мейл стал показывать картинки
- Rated 3 out of 5by johnmarzan, 7 years agoLoad Images in the context menu doesnt work anymore (or it works sometimes, and sometimes it doesnt).
- Rated 4 out of 5by elenaluz, 7 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 13933138, 7 years agoI am very impressed with Easy Image Blocker. Be sure to tick the box that says "Would you like each tab to work independently?" You can find this at the bottom of the add-on description and then click APPLY. This is the best I've found and it works great with the new Firefox Quantum.
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13838232, 7 years ago
- Rated 2 out of 5by meZZa, 7 years agoЗря обновился. Теперь (при откл. показе изображений) вместо "Load image" (или как-то так), появилось: Hide all images. И это при итак уже скрытом режиме изображений. Спрашивается: нахрена скрывать итак скрытые изображения!? Откатываюсь на пред. версию.
Developer response
posted 7 years agoI know strange behaviour of the "hide image". I plan to optionize this function as "experimental" in the next version until it works enoughly.
Hide imageはまだちゃんと動作しないようなので、次のバージョンで一旦オプション化しようと思います。なるべく完全動作を目指しますが、Javascriptで動的に画像を読み込んだ場合等に難しい問題があるようです。