Reviews for MySessions
MySessions by CromS
56 reviews
- Rated 4 out of 5by adgbrshruwzawrh, 2 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by vader, 4 years agoThe function of "Save ( sessions as bookmarks)" works incorrectly -- I need to disable / re-enable MySessions in the addons manager, when I need to save sessions as bookmarks every time. If I don't do that, it can't save sessions as bookmarks.
- Rated 4 out of 5by John01, 4 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Joel, 4 years agoI love the idea, but it need a bit of work still. It would be cool to have the extension repository in the description to see if I can help in any way. Anyway awesome extension overall.
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 14392904, 5 years agoCould you please add an option to save all tabs in one folder without window1..2... subfolders?
It just an extra click in 99% cases to enter the window1 subfolder. - Rated 4 out of 5by spunkfunker, 5 years agoI really like this add on, it's simple and easy to use. However I have one huge problem with it. When you load a saved session it doesn't load the forward or backward tab data. Which is very helpful for people like myself who keep our history on sites like Ebay or Poshmark.If there were a way to fix that issue it would be the perfect session manager!
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 16159103, 5 years agoIs it possible to add an update that allow me to rename each window containing multiple tabs ?
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 16143376, 5 years agoНе работает сохранение вкладок из разных групп вкладок (например через расширение panorama tab groups). Восстанавливает только активную группу( Пожалуйста, добавьте такой функционал.
Doesn't work save tabs from list of tab groups (by add "panorama tab groups"). Only one active group of tabs is restored( Please add this function. - Rated 4 out of 5by whyneedregister, 5 years agoHi. thanks for your work in this extension, but i have a problem...
I cant make it to backup my sessions in the folder i choose, of course is inside the default folder, so how it work that option?
the only thing that work in the default folder is the "autosave" but also that cant be change to a subfolder.
subfolders doesn't work?
what is the correct way to write the directory path in the option?
"Save backup to file, save path"
also, the "download files and read....." is enabled.
thanks.Developer response
posted 5 years agoHey.
Write me a letter so that you can constructively discuss your problem. balyaev(@) - Rated 4 out of 5by Claudy Dark, 5 years agoI like Mysessions, thanks for all the work.
One thing I miss, please make it possible to define the places where the data is saved, I don't like the bookmark saving part, that bloats everything up and is not very useful or needed. I would like that the data is only saved to save folder local.
Thanks in Advance - Rated 4 out of 5by alewell, 5 years agoThis extension works well, but I really wish there were simple explanations for why each permission is required. Some are obvious (access tabs, modify bookmarks), but why others are needed is not obvious to me. At some point access to Download files/history was required. Why? I would like to know, thank you.
EDIT: Thank you for the prompt response!Developer response
posted 5 years agoWhy does MySessions require permission X?
Read and modify bookmarks and Access browser tabs: These are key permissions because all the functionality boils down to bookmarking tabs.
Store unlimited amount of client-side data: Local browser storage is used to save the TimeLine: periodic snapshots of sessions, daily snapshots of sessions and session snapshots when the browser is closed.
Download files and read and modify the browser’s download history: This permission is used to save session backups to a file. This permission is given in this form. If only File Download could be used, then I would use it.
Access recently closed tabs: I have used this permission and am using it for experiments with the built-in session saving system, so far to no avail. I agree, in the release version - this permission is superfluous, I will remove it. - Rated 4 out of 5by Alexander, 5 years agoНадо тестировать и проверять, чтобы понять заложенные алгоритмы - не все очевидно. Есть баги. Но, в целом - нормально.
- Rated 4 out of 5by cello, 6 years agoIt works but I don't know why even when I've disabled all timeline and periodic saves, it is still running a background.js that pops up every min to dump a huge chunk of text onto my FF Browser Console log screen like :
"Array(17) [ "{\"title\":\"tempSession\",\"date\":\"7/8/2019_18:34\",\"tabs\":[{\"title\..........."
and that can fill up multiple screens.
Can CromS improve it by letting it stay idle if all I need is a save when closing Firefox.Developer response
posted 6 years agotempSession is a session that will be saved when the window is closed. It is updated every 30 seconds. I did not comment out the line before the release. - Rated 4 out of 5by kjbaumga, 6 years agoAn essential part of any modern browser for any power user *should* be a session saver. Best substitute I've found for the old session saver. Pretty basic but far better than nothing. As for problems, added sessions often don't show up for me in the interface, though are visible in bookmarks menu. Usually they show up when I restart, so not a big deal. Very grateful for this add-on!
- Rated 4 out of 5by Boray Eris, 6 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by tacth, 6 years agoHi, MySession seems more robust than Tab Session Manager (TSM uses indexDB; it's json got corrupted so I lost alll my sessions), but maybe you could consider implement this TSM good things:
-'save session on close' option [without using 'save each __minutes', *even when eg the PC unespectedly shuts down from energy failure*, amazingly it usually manages to recover the tabs.]
-it restores tabs according to the Firefox 'Container' each tabs is when saving the session, eg I can have a session with all/some 'Work' or 'Personal' Containers. [Maybe this can't be done in MySession since regular Bookmarks (only for now until new API?) can't save the 'Container' status?]
-it opens the session starting on the tab you were when saved [not necessarily on the 1st tab] eg while being in the last tab (eg 9 tabs, you were in tab #9, opening session starts in tab #9, not in #1).
-if you click to expand the list of tabs of a session, > click on any tab > only that tab opens in the window you are.
Edit: I guess I was wrong about the last point, so 1+star (only used the addon 1 time because from the proposals, at least I cannot forego the containers function.)
The reason for 3 is (using lazy Loading) eg I don't want always to load tab#1, but [in the example, it could be tabb5 or whatever] start in/only load tab9, then i after i close it, Tab8 loads, and so on, until i stop and close the window, without loading the 1st tabs. Without the function, before opening the session i would have to put FFx on 'work offline' before tab1 loads , then put FF 'onlne', then click tab9 etc. (or arrange the tabs in different order before saving the session.)
Thx.Developer response
posted 6 years agoThanks for the feedback.
But you are comparing warm with red.
You estimate not expansion and the functions realized in it. You lower the estimate for the fact that this extension does not look like another. It's like saying that Fiat is a bad car because there are no Ferrari functions in it.
Now about your suggestions:
1. The function of saving the session when closing the window I am testing now.
2. At the moment I do not see a way to use containers with bookmarks.
3. Using bookmarks this can not be done. That is, you can try, but I see no reason to spend my own resources and computer resources on it. In addition, it will certainly be a source of additional bugs. In my opinion it is easier to move the mouse and click on the #9 tab.
4. So it was intended. In the view mode, clicking on a tab will switch to this tab. In edit mode, a tab from another session is added to the current session. And how should be in your opinion? - Rated 4 out of 5by Mahankali, 6 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Sin, 6 years agoUsed it for a couple of years and it's far better than nothing. It's saved me from a few bad crashes and assists in organizing tabs a bit. But for the last year I consistently find the UI is laggy, unresponsive, and sometimes impossible to use. I understand taking a while to load large tab lists, but quite often it fails to display all my sessions, button clicks don't register, and other basic errors. Otherwise, it's great, but it has become a frustrating experience to use.
- Rated 4 out of 5by Shanana, 6 years agoGreat addon! Is there a possibility to disable the automatically bookmarking? Thanks!
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13268994, 6 years agoБольшая просьба к вам - обновить Испанский перевод расширения! Испанский перевод на 20% Португальский, это как бы вам на русский переводил болгарин и оставил часть на болгарском... вы бы что то поняли, что то непоняли, но заподозрили бы что не на русском... Само оглавление Опций тут звучит "Opções do MySessions" это на Португальском, на Испанском писали бы "Opciones de ..." или "Ajustes para...", и это не единственное место.... Но я не буду вам переводить, я не испанец, я просто пользуюсь браузером на Испанском. Я латыш и знаю ещё 5 языков, но мне надоел Английский и я перешёл на Испанский. Некоторые программки имеют перевод с Испанским языком и некоторые не имеют. Но у вас тут вообще часть на Английском, часть на Испанском, а многое на Португальском почему то... // The extension is OK, but Spanish translation is a half in Portugues.... lol
- Rated 4 out of 5by Miloš Ćirić, 6 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 14595112, 6 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 12839, 6 years agoWorks well within the limited API of Firefox Quantum. I like the import feature. I would like to see some type of session categorisation to replicate more of the old Session Manager addon (but I understand that would take a lot more time - perhaps more than is available).
(Also, my appreciation goes to the addon author for his concern about user privacy and for his openness about the dev process. Keep up the good work! :-) ) - Rated 4 out of 5by McGerhart, 6 years agoI understand that Firefox developers had to do something with the browser, stopping the decline of this browser. But with reducing the API-Possiblities nearly 90% of my addons disappeared. And these were the reason for me to use Firefox. Among these was the awesome "Session Manager".
"Mysessions"-Addon seem to be a good replacement, thanks to you croms :)
Some points and questions:
1. Please all, try to write in English (not Russian), so we can understand all your questions (btw i do it myself, engl. is not my mother language).
2. i will write some translation und hints to you croms for your addon. Thanks for your answer to my first comment here.
3. "enable lazy loding.." is clear now, i enable it, so only 1 Tab opens if i restore my session.
but whats with "discarded property": does it beginning from Vers. 63 the same as "lazy loading" ?
So better let both chosen ?
4. " Export sessions as a list of URLs." - how can i do it ?
5. Here you can find a few Video Tutorials about this addon by our progammer:
6. Can you tell me why my first comment is no longer visible here on the page ?
But here to be seen still:
Oh my god they make comments disappear if you write more than one - incredible, never seen before.
Please stop it Mozilla !
7. And i cannot write comments with the new Forum-interface, only if i choose the "classic site" view. Any hints for this problem ?Developer response
posted 6 years agoIf you have any questions - write me an email (balyaev[a] in your own language. So it will be easier for me to understand you, because English is also not my native language. - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 14346277, 6 years agoДля автосохранения открытых вкладок пользовался раньше дополнением Session Manager. Всё устраивало, но с января 2017-го оно не обновляется и на последних версиях Firefox уже не работает.
В отличии от этого дополнения, Session Manager сохранял каждую сессию в отдельный файл своего формата и потом с этими файлами можно было довольно удобно работать. MySession сохраняет все открытые вкладки в Закладки, каждое сохранение в отдельную папку что даёт некоторые минусы при работе с Закладками:
1. Все адреса страниц в открытых вкладках, которые уже хоть раз были сохранены с помощью MySession, отмечаются как добавленные в Избранное (синей звёздочкой), поэтому не всегда понятно, сохранял ты конкретно этот адрес в нужную тебе папку Закладок или нет.
2. При поиске в самих Закладках (Закладки - Показать все закладки) на введённый поисковый запрос выводится много копий одних и тех же результатов (по количеству сохранённых сессий), поэтому когда сохранённых сессий много - что немного мешает. Отчасти, это связано с тем, что встроенный в Firefox поиск по закладкам не удобный, поскольку не даёт возможности искать только в нужных тебе папках, а ищет по всем сразу, включая лежащие в стороне папки MySession.
А в целом, дополнение неплохое и со своей основной задачей справляется хорошо.