3 reviews
- Rated 4 out of 5by alexg, 2 years agoWould be nice to have the options:
- modify the default syntax of all saved links.
- disable one of: screenshot saving or link saving.
- save whole page screenshot, instead of just visible page.
Doesn't work in 112, only the screenshot saving pops up. - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 15086866, 6 years agoJune 24, 2019
I like your extension. Here are some suggestions to improve it:
• Allow to choose the save path (in an options menu)
• Allow to save the URL only (in an options menu)
• Allow to save the webpage only (including scrolling pages)
• Allow to generate the save name automatically or manually.
• Allow the save of the webpage in .jpg or .png.
• Allow to have default value
• Add an icon (top right) and no longer need to press Shit + Ctrl + Print
Save URL: Enable
Save path: C:\Links
Save name:
1. Automatic
2. Manual
3. Default name (give by the website)
Choose option: 1
Save Webpage: Disabled
Save path:
1. Save selection of webpage
2. Save screen webpage
3. Save the whole webpage (including scrolling the page)
Choose option:
Save format of the webpage:
1. .jpg
2. png
Result when the "SaveAsUrl" icon is pressed
The URL link is saved in: C:\Links\auto20190624-1403.url
Save URL: Disabled
Save path:
Save name:
1. Automatic
2. Manual
Choose option: 2
Name: Oscar
Save URL: Enabled
Save Webpage:
Save path: C:\WebpageImage
1. Save selection of webpage
2. Save screen webpage
3. Save the whole webpage (including scrolling the page)
Choose option: 3
Save format of the webpage:
1. .jpg
2. png
Choose option: 2
Result when the "SaveAsUrl" icon is pressed
The Webpage is saved in: C:\WebpageImage\Oscar.png - Rated 4 out of 5by jnewman, 7 years agoI certainly appreciate the existence of this extension after the upgrade to FF57 made similar extensions (savelink, save link in folder and lcwmcfpon) obsolete. For me, the extension would be better if: 1) it were activated by a toolbar button, 2) it allowed the user to choose a default "save as" directory (without dated subdirectories), and 3) it automatically assigns filenames (no prompt to user) so that the .url and .jpg are created with one single click.