Reviews for smartUp Gestures
smartUp Gestures by zimocode
21 reviews
- Rated 3 out of 5by bingowings, 9 months agothe chrome version got pulled for adware, just be careful..
- Rated 3 out of 5by Oleksandr Zalishchuk, 5 years agoSome gestures do not work (e.g. "copy link URL").
Some websites are preventing some gestures to work (e.g. on gesture "close tab" doesn't work) - Rated 3 out of 5by tony, 6 years agoSeemed to work better before recent upgrade. No longer able to add link drag gestures for what seems to be due to the configuration options are now accessible within a tiny window within the browser itself.
- Rated 3 out of 5by Firefox user 12518567, 6 years agoThe only problem I am experiencing is that the context menu appears whenever I press the right-click button. So just using it to go back or forward a page, and using the rocker gesture calls up the context menu. I do have the "Do NOT pop-up context menu" selected in Settings.
EDIT: Forgot to mention I am using the latest Firefox version 63.03. - Rated 3 out of 5by Firefox user 14298740, 6 years agoI cannot select any text in the options. This addon wants me to configure my settings by selecting a test text and then dragging it to the direction of my choice. That is impossible as selecting the test text doesn't work. I use FF56.
- Rated 3 out of 5by 李思通, 7 years ago搜索引擎的切换呢?明明 有候补选项(bing+百度)但没法调序。
快更新啊 - Rated 3 out of 5by Firefox user 14216416, 7 years agoI like it. It has similarities to crxMouse Chrome Gestures on Chrome..
I would like to give some feedback:
- please add an option to disable the menu animations. for my taste, way too much animations.
- in Mouse Gestures/Actions, please show the directions not only when hoover above the button, but direktly on the Edit actions main page. i.e. show all the buttons in the same view as if the mouse was hoovering above all buttons at the same time.
- make a difference between actions if a text is selected and if there is no text selected. - Rated 3 out of 5by Firefox user 14198696, 7 years ago不知道如何切换搜索引擎。默认是谷歌,可是毕竟不是每个人都能用,想把百度设置为第一,就是不知道如何设置。想通过删除谷歌的方法,可是又提示谷歌正在使用,不能删除,醉了
- Rated 3 out of 5by Rusty Trombone, 7 years agoGestures will not work if done over a certain part of a page (seems to be frame, not sure). (the pages work fine with other gestures extensions)
It doesn't mousewheel between tabs properly (the Windows context menu comes up).
Several basic actions missing like for example 'open link in background tab'.
Menu doesn't allow for gestures to be set if already taken. You must change the one that has it first, and if you don't know which one has it, every single one must be opened to check which is a PITA.
This seems unfinished and needs a lot of work. Nice try though. - Rated 3 out of 5by hepha, 7 years ago你好:
之前試用firefox 57太多套件不能用就沒在試了
今天又在 LINUX下試了,發現要勾修正LINUX的那個選項滑鼠手勢才能用,但是滑鼠右鍵與鍵盤選單鍵都要要兩下 右鍵選單才會出現。
另外 開啟左、右分頁是什麼因素達成?我把一個分頁丟入 tab groups 其它群組,我用開啟右邊分頁會跳到那個群組開啟那個分頁,開啟左邊分頁又跳回原本群組的原本分頁,好奇怪。 - Rated 3 out of 5by Sean666, 7 years ago
- Rated 3 out of 5by shivahari, 7 years agoZimo, I love this on Chrome, but there is one thing on Firefox which doesn't work like it does on Chrome. On Chrome I use the gesture for 'Open Link' and add the address of my Homepage, it works, it is not a url, it is the address of another extension which is where I store links so when I do a gesture for 'Open Link" it opens that extension page. But on Firefox, smartUp adds the prefix of 'http://' to the front of that extension address and then searches for it online, which goes nowhere. Can that be fixed so it works like does on Chrome, or can you add an option for Homepage which can serve the same function?
- Rated 3 out of 5by Shajirr, 7 years agoSome functions work, and some do not.
I couldn't get anything with Images to work, at all.
Save Image As regular gesture does not work.
Image drag function does not work.
Trying to drag any image always counts it as link dragging instead of image dragging, and links have entirely separate commands, so you can't use drag to save an image, which is what I was looking for primarily. I have "As an image, if the Link contains an image" enabled in Super Drag settings - does not work, still counts as a link and not an image.
IF all these functions are just placeholders - they shouldn't be in a public build, people shouldn't waste their time trying to use something which does not actually do anything. - Rated 3 out of 5by malevolent, 7 years agoGood enough to be usable as everyday mouse gestures addon on GNU/Linux. It workarounds the right click issue on Linux and OSX by replacing context menu with two right clicks and mouse gestures with one. Is not the best solution but as Mozilla seems to disparage non Windows users and treat us as sencond class citizens, developers must be creatives. The settings interface should be improved, as an idea I will made it look like the browsers settings interface, instead those epilectic blues and roses.
Regarding the movements, pretty well, but open links seems not to work at all, and in general any movement on new mozilla pages, like addons (this is known for all addons), 404, speed dial, untrusted SSL webpage, etc - Rated 3 out of 5by Markus Popp, 7 years ago3 major issues:
* I always need to reload all tabs before mouse gestures work.
* Export settings doesn't work. A new tab is opened and loading forever.
* Open Link doesn't work on images.
This is on Firefox 57.0 on Linux64.
Another thing that's not perfectly nice is that I need the toolbar icon to open settings in a full size tab. Would be nice to get there from Firefox's addon page.
This addon has potential to become great, but still has some problems which indeed make it a Beta. With these issues fixed, it would totally deserve 5 stars. - Rated 3 out of 5by Firefox user 6196236, 7 years ago比如锐龙5 1600X VS i5-8400:谁才是主流装机首选 - AMD,Intel - IT之家
我的机子win7 64 FF57b12