Pretty-prints JSON content in the browser for easy, unobtrusive viewing.
731 users
Random password generator
A simple random password generator for Firefox browser
730 users
Saves URLs of open tabs into a text file.
725 users
Cital - Citation Generator
Easily Generate Citations by entering the DOI of a paper.
724 users
TruePath generates relative XPath and scripts on click of the targeted web elements.
721 users
External Video Player
Open any video with your favorite Android video player! Thanks to this extension you will be able to open online videos with any native video player like VLC, MxPlayer, etc.
721 users
Dark Theme for Reddit
Simple flat dark grey theme for Reddit..
721 users
Skip Mobile Wikipedia
A WebExtension that redirects the mobile Wikipedia website to the standard, canonical domain. This extension will redirect the first request, and then set a "stopMobileRedirect" cookie to prevent future redirects.
719 users
BeeLine Reader
BeeLine's color gradient makes reading faster/easier for over 90% of people. How much will it help you?
716 users
Google Cal Event Merge
Chrome extension that visually merges the same event on multiple Google Calendars into one event. Source: <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/342b7a3d66f39d16cdbc5cd1d4cc26f85aeb1f94cae54867035888d93d484554/https%3A//github.com/imightbeamy/gcal-multical-event-merge">https://github.com/imightbeamy/gcal-multical-event-merge</a>
712 users
Firefox Add-on to enable two-finger left and right gestures to navigate browser history
706 users
QR Code Generator
Generate QR code from any text and save it as an SVG image
705 users
In Zoom
Enlarge (zoom in) images and videos "inline" (in place) using shift + mouse wheel.
703 users
Tumblr High Quality
When viewing an image on Tumblr, loads the original raw image instead of the default lower resolution.
701 users
External Application Button (WebExtension)
A highly customizable external application button and context-menu items
700 users
Purple Private Windows
Private windows are now purple. When you open a new private window, the appearance of the other windows changes, so in the extension settings, select the theme you are using.
698 users
A minimal, less attention grabbing, internet experience.
696 users
Video Styler (brightness and more)
Extension allows you to adjust the brightness for all video players on websites, as well as apply advanced filters to video!
694 users
Night Mode Eye Guard
Night mode to protect eyesight. Starting with version 3.1, optimizations for specific websites have been added, and users can also report websites that significantly affect vision for targeted optimization.(setting panel>"report to refine")
694 users
Unclutter — Modern Reader Mode
Read, collect, and highlight articles with style.
693 users
Disable Polymer on YouTube
The polymer redesign of YouTube has made the site very slow for Firefox users. This add-on adds the "disable_polymer" option to YouTube URLs in order to revert back to the old classic design.
692 users
Sakuga Extended
Enjoy a better experience with SAKUGABOORU! Previews on posts, frame control on videos...
691 users
Re-Pagination - WebExtension fork
Load consecutive pages in a single tab at once, or view them in a slideshow, similar to AutoPager but not as automatic. Useful for searches, forums, and webcomics. This is a fork of Nils Maier's Re-Pagination addon, updated for Firefox Quantum.
691 users
Video Converter
Convert any video file to selected formats (i.e. mp4) inside your browser!
688 users
New Tab Google
Open <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/9eedbceb27e33fc775eec3ef277a8a4333b6e5067d818dade5ab40da7cbe3896/http%3A//Google.com">Google.com</a> homepage in a new tab
686 users