New Tab Google
Open homepage in a new tab
676 users
4Chan Gallery Mode WG
Adds gallery button to 4chan thread views with keyboard shortcuts. HI! The new version has new permissions for 1) easy save (downloads perm) and 2) openai experiments. If you don't want to use those functions, do not use it. Thanks!
675 users
Hide Images
Blocks all images on a webpage. Enable/disable using browser action.
673 users
Docs Viewer
Easily view PDF and MS Office documents in your browser.
673 users
Tenhou English UI
Change the UI text on the Tenhou HTML5 Web Client from Japanese to English
671 users
Shows a simple icon, if IPv6 or IPv4 was used for the request of the site. When clicking on the icon, more information is shown, like the number of requests per domain and if these requests were made via IPv6 or IPv4.
670 users
Internet Speed Tester
Speed Test Most Accurate Online Broadband Internet Speed Test
670 users
Unclutter — Modern Reader Mode
Read, collect, and highlight articles with style.
670 users
Checker Plus for Google Drive™
Quickly browse your Google Drive files without opening a webpage and get notifications of modifications to your shared documents
668 users
为哔哩哔哩网站(俗称B站:增加右键菜单,用于获取视频封面图片,用法如下: 1、鼠标移动到对应的视频上,点击右键,即可呼出下载封面图快捷菜单。 2、点击“获取B站视频封面图”,成功获取会在新标签页打开获取到的封面。 注意:新标签打开图片时,可能提示需要弹出窗口权限。
668 users
Disable Polymer on YouTube
The polymer redesign of YouTube has made the site very slow for Firefox users. This add-on adds the "disable_polymer" option to YouTube URLs in order to revert back to the old classic design.
662 users
Easy Image Blocker
Easy Image Blocker is the Add-on to control the loading of the image. Images can be load from the context menu individually. You can specify the mode to load the image for each URL in the white list.
661 users
AI Overview Hider for Google
Hides the AI Overview section in Google search results
658 users
Mute Tab
Full control of noisy tabs with keyboard shortcut support
657 users
Reading Ruler
Highlights the line of text you are reading.
657 users
Tab Split Merger
Split tabs into separate windows and easily merge them back together into one.
654 users
IBM Salesforce Extras
This extension adds some extra features to Salesforce Console for use by Support teams at IBM.
653 users
Bookmarks Commander
A two-panel bookmarks manager which is similar to the well-known Total Commander.
653 users
Dark Theme for Facebook™
A schedulable and customizable dark theme for and
650 users
This mirror flips your online activity!
650 users
Tap Translate
Add a translate button on the page. Github:
648 users
QCLean:Remove Facebook Ads,Suggested Pages&Posts
Remove Ads, Suggested Pages and Posts on News feed of Facebook.
645 users
Font Inspector (WebExtension)
Click on any element to get the font info in a page popup
643 users
Sauron - Dark mode for all websites
Beautiful dark mode for all websites. Protect your eyes when you surf in dark enviroments.
641 users
Interactive Dual Subs for Languages Learning
Translate English, Spanish etc. words instantly in dual subtitles on YouTube, Netflix, Prime Video, Crunchyroll, Coursera, Udemy. Then memorize on the go.
641 users