Youtube Spoiler Blocker
Blocking video length information from specific Youtube videos to avoid spoilers.
42 users
Folding@home Dark Themes
Various dark mode themes for the foldingathome web client. Team-specific themes are included, such as Banano, LinusTechTips, and others.
42 users
Video Blocker
Blocks all videos on all websites. Most videos are prevented from loading. If the blocking of the request fails, they are only hidden.
42 users
Mute New Tabs
Many sites auto-play videos, send fake chat messages and create general nuisance while listening to music. This add on mutes all newly opened tabs.
42 users
Recover-E: Form manual recovery. Recover input and textarea elements after form crash/refresh/close.
41 users
Chrome Emacs
Use Emacs to edit textareas and online editors. This extension provides bi-directional editing, cursor and scroll synchronization, and keyboard shortcuts, supporting popular online editors like CodePen, StackBlitz, and more.
41 users rating hider
Hides the rating of both the opponent and yourself on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
41 users
Device Emulator
Emulate mobile devices to preview websites, enabling users to gauge how websites appear on various screens and optimize accordingly.
41 users
A clock frame for your TV
41 users
Dark Mode Global
Invert light-themed web pages into dark to reduce eyestrain
41 users
Make the width of Coinmarket Cap 98% so it is more readable with 12 columns instead of having to scroll sideways.
41 users
Hide Mouse for HBO Max (for Firefox)
Hide the mouse while viewing a HBO Max video. A port of the Chrome extension by Nate Diven.
41 users
Better Text View
Makes website text larger and readable.
41 users
YTex YouTube Extension
Adds skip controls to YouTube html5 player. You can skip the current video forwards or backwards by 10 seconds.
41 users
Audible Control
Control the playback speed of your favorite audiobook on audible. Control from 0.5x to 2.5x normal playback. Compatible with most audible sites. More will be added.
41 users
Internet Explorer Chrome
Replace mentions of Google Chrome with Internet Explorer, and chrome-like logos with a shiny new one
41 users
A user style manager which can load local files and apply UI styles even in Firefox 57+
41 users
Bookmarks Organizer
41 users
Return YouTube Subscribers
This Extension Unabbreviates Subscriber Counts By Estimating Them On YouTube Channel/Video Pages.
41 users
Astia-Digihakemisto Linkkaaja
Tämä laajennus luo Kansallisarkiston Astia-palvelussa oleville dokumenteille linkin vastaavaan tiedostoon Digihakemistossa.
41 users
Block Sign In With Google
Blocks the sign in with google popup
41 users
Algocode Enhancer
Improve the user experience of &
41 users
Return X/Twitter Link Previews
Bring back X/Twitter link previews with headlines and descriptions
41 users
No Tabs
Forces all new tabs to be opened in a new window instead. This is useful if you want to use the windows task bar or other operating system features that rely on each instance of a program being in its own separate window.
41 users
Bible Previewer
Turns every bible verse into a link you can hover to see the contents of the verse.
41 users