ReDraw text Vertical direction. change font , color , line space Drag view mode (like pdf) 縦書きの描画にチャレンジするがんばりやさん。小説や青空文庫を読むのに楽しんでください。 フォントやカラーの変更、ドラッグで掴んでスクロールもできます。
39 users
Night Mode - Hacker News
Night Mode for Hacker News (<a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/82ee2b1768fd6df7d4275e08225a1fff0161568b404206e9c8e3242bc218e876/http%3A//news.ycombinator.com">news.ycombinator.com</a>)
39 users
Theme creator: Lite
Thme Creator: Lite, rapid and powerfull add-on with simple UI. Create your own themes in just one click. If you want a bigger solution with animated themes, use the full version.
39 users
YouTube Enhanced Extension
A third party thing that makes watching YouTube videos a little bit better.
39 users
No Google Link Rewrite (WebExtensions)
No Google Link Rewrite add-on.
39 users
Schick und alles im Blick lautet das Motto von Ihrer neuen Startseite. Auf dieser Startseite haben Sie alle wichtigen Funktionen und Webseiten immer griffbereit.
39 users
Visual Hashing
Changes the background of password entry fields to a four-color visual hash. Each password will have its own unique four color sequence, making it easy to tell if you've accidentally made a typo while entering your password before the site can!
38 users
Dark mode / night reader
Inverts page colors, showing white text on a dark background
38 users
Asus Downloader
Unofficial firefox addon for Asus Download Master. For PC and Android phones
38 users
Responsive Design Checker
Perfect your website's responsiveness with this versatile extension. Test it on various mobile devices for an impeccable user interface.
38 users
Noam - ChatGPT translate assistant
Your versatile translation assistant, driven by GPT-4, provides a smoother AI translation and reading experience.
38 users
Kinozal Helper
<a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/18363f25e0a998b057231aac2c7d000aada6a1cdfad273bb5b8504f260354971/http%3A//Kinozal.tv" rel="nofollow">Kinozal.tv</a> view content helper.
38 users
Maximize WhatsApp™ Web
Enable full viewport for large aspect ratio screens on WhatsApp™ Web.
38 users
Simplify Gmx.net
Reduziert die Startseite von <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/59928853a2deb4a4987658e7cf0e61c9e857f3035f8eefc1bd031bf527a930a1/http%3A//Gmx.net">Gmx.net</a> auf das E-Mail-Anmeldeformular für eine schnellere und komfortablere Anmeldung.
38 users
PB Comments Plugin
This extension improves the usability of comments on the Poll Bludger blog. This plugin ONLY works at the following website: <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/2c7f7497ff34b3148e244617452875491600c3a0c98403c7e3094a2c849798ef/https%3A//www.pollbludger.net/">https://www.pollbludger.net/</a>
38 users
WowApp Smart Web
A new way to Earn for our WowApp members! We’re bringing you "Smart Web" - the extension that enables you to earn what’s rightfully yours when browsing the Internet.
38 users
Вконтакте без мусора
Выбирай сам, что удалить в ленте Вконтакте: рекламу, репосты, блоки с историями и предложениями друзей, лайки и другое
38 users
Highlight Mouse Pointer
Shows 2 arrows around the mouse pointer to make it easier to see, which is great for tutorial recordings or classroom environments.
38 users
Style Guide Generator
Generate simple style guide from page's CSS.
38 users
srcrplc - Unblock Imgur Images
This add-on allows to see blocked Imgur images in pages via proxy.
38 users
Show Links
Finds all links and files(CSS, JS, Images) in a page.
38 users
Sexy LCD clock
Firefox 57+ compatible awesome LCD clock extension which is showing on the top-right of your screen. Features: 1. It ticks every hour/half-hour 2. It disappears when you hovering cursor on it
38 users
Useragent Changer to FF iOS on Google
Sets the Useragent of Firefox Android to Firefox iOS whilst browsing Google's search. This provides the more feature rich Webkit experience.
38 users
Dark vCenter
Apply Dark Clarity Theme to vCenter!
38 users
Webpage SideNotes
Displays a sidebar that lets you take notes on web pages.
38 users