Text to Speech
Read any selected text in the browser with human-quality text-to-speech (TTS) engines
189 users
Doc to PDF
Easily convert and download any document (doc, docx, ppt, etc.) to a PDF file.
189 users
Youtube Not Interested Button
Makes the youtube video not interested button easier to click
188 users
Kommenteld szabadon a 444.hu cikkeit!
188 users
Download with Wget
when activated, interrupts the built-in download manager to direct links to Wget
187 users
网文摘手是一个网络收藏工具。 安装网文摘手插件后,就可以将你想保存的好文章、好图片保存到自己的个人图书馆中!
187 users
TORPEDO browser
Show URLs and their security status when you move your mouse over links in a webpage which belongs to an e-mail provider.
187 users
JoJo Wiki Redirector
Redirects jojo.fandom.com requests to jojowiki.com
187 users
Desbloquear Folha de SP e outros
Remove o limite de 5 matérias por dia na Folha de S.Paulo, Estado de S. Paulo, O Globo, Gazeta do Povo, Zero Hora, dentre outros.
186 users
Enable Right Click
Enable Right Click on restricted websites.
184 users
Simple Print
Convert web articles into printable PDFs
182 users
Search Highlighter
Search and highlight keywords in any page via toolbar popup.
182 users
Freedium Redirect
Navigates the Medium page to Freedium Page
181 users
Reddit post notifier
Watch for the latest submissions in subreddits, reddit searches and get notifications about new private messages.
181 users
思源(SiYuan) - 非官方移植
思源笔记网页剪藏。 此插件需要思源笔记设置授权码之后才能使用。
180 users
Less Distracting Reddit
Kill Reddit front page + other features to make Reddit a little less distracting.
180 users
Full Picture: analyze articles with ChatGPT
Read faster, understand better, research deeper: use ChatGPT to summarize, explain, check bias and get insights on news and articles.
179 users
WP Hive - A better WordPress Repository
Get useful metrics such as the impact on memory usage & pagespeed, PHP errors, warning, Javascript issues, PHP compatibility, latest WordPress version compatibility, database footprint, activation error, and more right from the WordPress repository
177 users
Highlight text on page to copy to Roam
176 users
移除 CSDN 博客页面杂乱信息,专注于内容阅读,提升阅读体验
176 users
Estensione che ti notifica quando ti trovi in un negozio affiliato a Bitcashback
175 users
Reddit Keyword Filter
Filters out Reddit posts containing specific keywords.
173 users
JoyReactor Visitor Extended
Улучшенная версия расширения JoyReactor Visitor от ExtraDJ, работающая и на новом дизайне сайта Joyreactor.
173 users
Youtube Times
Replaces the undescriptive youtube time on recommended with the exact absolute time of release.
172 users
LeanRabbook Reader 小说阅读器
Auto Parser of Novel Pages 希望用最简单的方法来做正确的事情: 重整阅读页面,预加载后续内容, 可以试试快捷键';'翻页; 翻页到底继续空格和翻页键自动翻页; 点击标题可以跳转到原始页面; 可简单记录阅读历史; 可定制解析关键字; 可定制解析附加脚本; 可定制阅读主题; 对不起: 不支持更新检查; 不承诺支持所有网站; 仅此而已,其他问题可以试着 联系我
170 users