This is a reminder add-on which reminds you about the things u specify ,provided some time.
133 users
UnBlur Quora
Browsing Quora shouldn't be frustrating. Let's fix that. Read unlimited Quora answers without signing up.
132 users
CruXe - Summarise Text using AI
A Chrome Extension to Summarise an Article/Blog-Posts using advanced AI like GPT-3
131 users
Helps tell you what websites use pay walls.
131 users
Quickly view social meta tags for a page, and preview how your page will look when embedded on social media.
130 users
Turn a link, text selection, or the current page's URL into a QR code with just one click. Accessible from the toolbar and right-click menu. QR code is generated offline, for your privacy. The QR text can also be edited before showing.
130 users
Tab auto reloader Pro
This extension reloads the current tab at a chosen interval of your choice.
129 users
Black Menu for Wikipedia
Easy access to the Wikipedia Universe
129 users
Old Mix Extension
We've released a new version of our extension. Check out the link below.
129 users
Share content across Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google My Business and all major social networks in just a few clicks
129 users
即時警報システム Pone by BSC24
即時警報システム Pone by BSC24
127 users
AMP Browser Extension
The AMP Browser Extension accelerates web browsing by loading AMP or MIP versions of web pages and adding Save-Data request header.
126 users
Published Date
This Add-on tries to find out when exactly a website or an article on a website was published and last edited.
125 users
Ботнадзор (
Подсветка ботов в VK
122 users
Blog Killfile
Provides a killfile for certain blogs' comment sections. Covers iframed disqus comments. Covers freethoughtblogs. More blog comment sections as I get to them.
121 users
PaperPop - Journal IF & Paper Popularity Viewer
Display journal impact factors, rankings, and paper popularity ranking with 1-click sorting and Excel export options.
121 users
Facebook Ad Blocker
Blocks Facebook Ads in the News Feed. Including 'Suggested Posts'.
121 users
Crypto Prices (Binance)
Prices of crypto currencies from Showing pairs with BTC, ETH, BNB and actual price of BTC,ETH and LTC in dollars. 24 hour % change of coin, highest and lowest value of coin in 24 hour range. Filter to show only selected coins and pairs.
121 users
VK Plus
Improves user experience on
118 users
Easy to RSS
Retreive RSS feeds URLs from WebSite, RSSHub supported
117 users
Manu Auto Correct
Bon alors déjà c'est M. Le Président. Extension qui change toute référence à "Monsieur le président", "Le président de la république" ou bien simplement "Emmanuel Macron" en "Manu". Pour comprendre le code :
117 users
Salesforce Lightning Queue Refresher
Provides end-user the ability to refresh Salesforce Queue's for its ticketing system "Lightning". This feature isn't native to the web application, which is why this add-on exists. Preview:
116 users
116 users
Use DeepL translation on twitter!
115 users
Elink - Bookmark Manager
Best visual bookmarker for creating content for your Gmail Newsletters, HTML Newsletters, Website/Blog and Social bio links.
114 users