Tag cloud in your browser! Urim add-on allows you quickly create tag cloud for current page or any text fragment on it.
28 users
@ig3/zhongwen: Chinese-English Dictionary
Chinese-English pop-up dictionary.
28 users
ウェブページをユリアーモに翻訳します。 「ユリアーモ」はアドベンチャーゲーム「ことのはアムリラート」に登場する、エスペラント語をベースとした人工言語です。 この拡張機能は Google 翻訳のエスペラント語翻訳を利用して、好きなウェブページをユリアーモに翻訳します。
28 users
Disable automatic Reddit translation
Removes the ?tl=<language> parameter from Reddit URLs and reloads the page.
28 users
textfocus SEO & Semantic
Analyze the SEO and semantic performance of a web page. Find out which keywords your page is optimized for, and which semantically close expressions you could use to make your content more relevant. See your results on https://www.textfocus.net
28 users
Tureng'de Ara
Aramak istediginiz metni secin, sag tiklayin, 'Turengde Ara'ya basin. Metin yeni sekmede tureng aramasi olarak acilacaktir.
28 users
Fast Wiktionary Lookup
Double click any word to look it up on Wiktionary in a panel without switching tabs. Customize which languages and sections you want to see. Works on Android.
28 users
Vtuber Live Subtitle
Vtuber 直播自动字幕组件。 by SOW
28 users
Translate selected text with LibreTranslate
28 users
AVIM - VNI - gõ tiếng việt vni không cần unikey
gõ tiếng việt vni trên firefox không cần unikey An input method editor (IME) for Vietnamese (VNI) for telex input method, please check this add on: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/another-avim/
28 users
汉典 (www.zdic.net)
27 users
Ukraïnsjka Latynka | Українська латинка
Convert between Cyrillic and Latin script of Ukrainian language
27 users
DictZone német magyar szótár
1. Jelöld ki a nem ismert szót az oldalon. 2. Kattints a jobb egérgombbal a kijelölt szón (helyérzékeny menü előhozása). 3. Kattints a bal egérgombbal a "Keresés a DictZone Német-Magyar szótárban: ..." keresésednek megfelelő menüpontján.
27 users
Search in Olam.in
Searches the malayalam meaning of the selected word in Olam.in
27 users
Translate Button
Simple button that opens the current site on Google Translate, Bing or Yandex.
27 users
An extension to add RTL (Right-to-Left) support for Farsi in Notion.
27 users
Free Universal Translation
Free translation tool to add on and very simple to use. Just copy the text you want to have translated and select the language you want to read the text in. Simple fast and reliable. It can even quickly detect the source language.
27 users
Bing-Go-GPT 专业AI写作助手
Bing-Go-GPT 专业AI写作助手是一款智能的文本生成工具,可以根据用户的需求和偏好,自动写出各种类型的文本,如随笔、电子邮件、自媒体博客、创意文案等。该助手利用了强大的自然语言理解和生成能力,可以根据用户提供的关键词、主题、风格等信息,生成符合语法和逻辑的文本,同时保持内容的新颖和有趣。
27 users
Save the ChatGpt voice
Save the ChatGpt voice audio to your computer
27 users
Provides keyboard shortcuts for Spanish accent characters.
27 users
Privacy focused Google Translations powered by Lingva
27 users
AI Writing Assistance enhances grammar, style, and provides personalized AI guidance
27 users
Nepali Date
Show today's Nepali date
26 users
Lyrics Translator on Spotify
Translate song lyrics in Spotify quickly and easily. An extension that translates lyrics in Spotify.
26 users
Superemail | AI Email Assistant for Gmail™
SuperEmail is an AI email assistant that makes it easy to craft professional and effective email replies
26 users